Night Flights

Wildwood, NJ 4th of July!!

Loved it!

One observation if you don't mind, speed-up intentional? In places it's cool but in other places, tends to add a bit of jerkiness? Also the cars on the road can seem a bit cartoonish...
Loved it!

One observation if you don't mind, speed-up intentional? In places it's cool but in other places, tends to add a bit of jerkiness? Also the cars on the road can seem a bit cartoonish...
I did it because a long 18 min video is kinda boring, people wanna see quick videos, so I did it just to make it a little under 5 mins, otherwise it would have been a long video. But I get what you're saying, also trying to put God bless the U.S.A. on there just didn't work, lol was gonna slow it down to put that song on, but turned it into a 10min video, so I changed my mind.
I did it because a long 18 min video is kinda boring, people wanna see quick videos, so I did it just to make it a little under 5 mins, otherwise it would have been a long video. But I get what you're saying, also trying to put God bless the U.S.A. on there just didn't work, lol was gonna slow it down to put that song on, but turned it into a 10min video, so I changed my mind.
Also a 17 min video is 8Gb(4K), and a 4min video is... you get the point. It'll chew peoples data up on their phones and if you have sprint, it'll just play the lowest quality and think my video looks like crap. lol
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Doesn’t look like crap here - that’s a good one! Thanks for the explanation about the speed and sharing the view.
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As stated before these are proposed and at the very end it is stated that they do not apply to model aircraft.
We are not operating model aircraft. We are operating unmanned aircraft. There is a big difference in the eyes of the FAA. I am a professional pilot with almost 10,000 hrs of flight time. I am also a certified flight instructor and am very familiar with the FAA rules and regulations, and the proposed regulations. I am in the process of registering my P3 with the FAA for commercial use. People not using common sense with unmanned aircraft are causing more rules and restrictions to be placed on us. One guy last his drone in a hot pool in Yellowstone last year--that led to us not being able to fly in National parks. Most regulations are reactive to things that people have done in the past.
So, playing Devils advocate here, but what is it that takes it from model aircraft to unmanned aircraft? To me, the layman, considers them synonymous.
........... what is it that takes it from model aircraft to unmanned aircraft?
Probably the 2 mile range and a 4K camera. And the goofballs that simply won't follow any "recommendations" for safe flying. Hey, don't shoot the messenger.
Newcomer myself but with regard to model vs unmanned it appears the “bone of contention” centers around FPV.

FAA considers solo FPV unmanned flight and I can understand that. Model aircraft have always adhered to LOS rules which FPV complicates.

I believe this is why AMA introduced the compromise of “spotter” or co-pilot who maintains LOS while the model pilot operates FPV.

Story still developing….
We are not operating model aircraft. We are operating unmanned aircraft. There is a big difference in the eyes of the FAA. I am a professional pilot with almost 10,000 hrs of flight time. I am also a certified flight instructor and am very familiar with the FAA rules and regulations, and the proposed regulations. I am in the process of registering my P3 with the FAA for commercial use. People not using common sense with unmanned aircraft are causing more rules and restrictions to be placed on us. One guy last his drone in a hot pool in Yellowstone last year--that led to us not being able to fly in National parks. Most regulations are reactive to things that people have done in the past.
Read the last paragraph on page 4 and the first half of page 5
UAS can fall under the domain of model aircraft. I too am familiar with many FAA rules and regulations but in no way am I versed in every nuance.
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I agree that the FPV factor plays a role in the determination. If one was "caught" with goggles and no spotter the rules for a model craft would be in violation. Funny part is LOS is much easier at night.
I agree that the FPV factor plays a role in the determination. If one was "caught" with goggles and no spotter the rules for a model craft would be in violation. Funny part is LOS is much easier at night.
After reading the faa interpretation of LOS even a spotter does not count. Goggles are technically a violation as they block your unaided track on the vehicle. Seems like no matter what there is a rule that could get you busted.
I would love to fly at night, if DJI or any third party can make silent propellers or coat the current ones with decibel killers!

Sometimes I put P1 8 inch props on my basic P2 v1 for local flying

the noise difference is very noticeable and it flys fine with the on.
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I too use the sound/noise to judge height, but I'm kinda afraid to wake the neighbors up!
They might become irritated/scared and call the cops due to the noise! :( (As ambient sound level at night is very low and the phantom's sound will definitely stand out!)

I have a Phantom FC40 and I know that its stock props make much less noise compared to 9443 and 9450. I'll make a few test flights with that to assess noise levels.

Maybe I'll try wrapping the Phantom's arms with dynamat or something to silence the vibration induced sounds etc.!

put your fc props on the p2 if they are self tight style.
it flys fine and is quieter---for those times you need it..
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I live in the desert, and even the subdivision I live in is so poorly lit, I doubt I'd see anything. Perhaps if it's a full moon, I might see something... But I guess now I'll have to try.
If you are not doing night flights, you are literally only enjoying 50% of the thrills possible with your P3. I can go up 500 ft and fly 4,000 ft away and still see my P3. .

Night flying is still a very bad idea, even at 500ft AGL. Just because you can see the quad doesn't mean it is visible to an aircraft (e.g.:traffic, EMS or news helicopter) moving at 200+ mph, 4,000 feet away. That's most of a mile away. You can't see what's coming from two miles further out in all directions.

Do the math: You would have trouble avoiding a dog in the road you weren't expecting 300 feet away at 60 mph, then imagine the situation in 3 dimensions, with low clouds or fog, at 3 or 4 times that speed. At 200 mph an aircraft is traveling 300 feet per second. Your quad's little lights just blend into the stars.

If you are "unlucky" it will be more than your little drone that will come crashing down... on all of us. And you wonder why "the powers that be" are so anxious to make rules and restrictions? You don't know what you don't know, and that is the biggest danger.

No picture or "neat experience" is ever worth what you are risking.

I can handle the flack in response, but it doesn't change reality.
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Night flying is still a very bad idea, even at 500ft AGL. Just because you can see the quad doesn't mean it is visible to an aircraft (e.g.:traffic, EMS or news helicopter) moving at 200+ mph, 4,000 feet away. That's most of a mile away. You can't see what's coming from two miles further out in all directions.

Do the math: You would have trouble avoiding a dog in the road you weren't expecting 300 feet away at 60 mph, then imagine the situation in 3 dimensions, with low clouds or fog, at 3 or 4 times that speed. At 200 mph an aircraft is traveling 300 feet per second. Your quad's little lights just blend into the stars.

If you are "unlucky" it will be more than your little drone that will come crashing down... on all of us. And you wonder why "the powers that be" are so anxious to make rules and restrictions? You don't know what you don't know, and that is the biggest danger.

No picture or "neat experience" is ever worth what you are risking.

I can handle the flack in response, but it doesn't change reality.
You make great points but IMO it's waayyy more visible at night.
Also, if the plane is below 400ft AGL, then I would say that's their fault; not yours.
If you are not doing night flights, you are literally only enjoying 50% of the thrills possible with your P3. I can go up 500 ft and fly 4,000 ft away and still see my P3. Your LOS increases by a factor of 5 or 6. It looks so cool as it streaks across the sky at night. The red lights blinking and looking so much like a UFO. I have made the local newspaper. Enjoy a night flight . It is no harder to do than a day flight, actually easier.
LOL, and we still wonder why so many think we are all irresponsible.
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