Litchi Glitch

Feb 13, 2015
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I was going to fly a Litchi Waypoint Mission the other day--P4P v2 with CrystalSky. The plan was launch manually to the approximate height of the first Waypoint, then hit the Play button. I've done that before. I started the motors and was giving forward sticks when it rose slightly and props suddenly shut down. The drone tipped over onto its back. No damage as props were stopped.

Looking at the log, in Notifications it shows: Mode changed to Assisted Takeoff. I definitely did not initiate AT. I went back to a couple past Waypoint Missions that I knew for certain I launched manually. No message of AT.

Has anybody else experienced anything like this? In any event, I'll most likely use AT from now on. The tip over was due to the bird using a stool for launch since the area was very dusty. Had it been on the ground it probably wouldn't have tipped as the motors stopped at 2 seconds after initial startup.
Curious, isn't this the second tip over lately? I'd sure jump up and down if that happen to me ,not sure why either why mode change to assisted take off,,are you giving it plenty of gas to launch? That's all I can think that might happen but that's speculation,,hope you can cure that AI(artificial intelligence),
Blooming thing
I was giving it throttle, but the motors quit for no reason. The flight log shows at 2 seconds both sticks were north of center. My buddy watching the launch confirmed it lifted slightly and then went limp. You've got to tap the screen to Auto Takeoff. My hands were definitely on the sticks after starting it.

One other thought because it happened so quickly: If I didn't launch aggressively enough and it teetered off the stool upside down, do the motors shut off? Maybe that's a possibility and it just seemed like they stopped before it fell. Doesn't explain why Auto Takeoff initiated though.
Yeh unsure if motors stop if upside down,out of my 2 p4s one time I remember them stopping and another time I can remember it spinning on the wooden deck before I could shut it down,,one was crash and one was new install of p4p prop locks on motor but in wrong direction so it tipped on liftoff,,I know was rookie mistake,,I guess you'd have to upload flight so the clever ones can read it to see why mode changed,

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