Line automatic photography

May 30, 2017
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For exsample fly litchi program pre-programmed waypoint on the fly, the camera functions always take place at the waypoint.

Is there a program where the images are taken with predetermined settings throughout the route/line, such as overlap% or time interval?

Such as pix4d Capture in the selected area, but the description should take place on the line / route.

It would be good to check electric lines or other long lines....

I've been looking but I have not found this feature for any program.

Is there a program where the images are taken with predetermined settings throughout the route/line, such as overlap% or time interval?
Have you tried DJI's GS Pro? It has a lot of extra features that are similar to Pix4D and Litchi, but with added functionality, and it's free. Look at the "Tap and Go Waypoint Flight" section.
I bought the ipad and installed the GSPro program

I'm a little disappointed...

Of course I can program the waypoint flight, but the picture is only taken at the waypoint and it is laborious to set 100-1000 points on the line which can be straight or complex.
And this one I can do with other programs.

But apparently in the world there is no exist program where you can define height and flight route one line/curves. And then set photo front overlap setting, so that Images should only come to one line.

Why does not such a feature exist because the area description is not suitable for roads, rivers, electric lines ... for automatic photography

One row of images is enough because there is no intention to create a 3D model, only to look at the object visually from the images.
Possible fault / problem could be locate with the image exif coordinate.

I wonder if anyone else does not want this feature.
but the picture is only taken at the waypoint
I really feel like you're missing most of the features that you're trying to describe. Take a look at the manual (linked above) and look at page 14, section 3 "Capture Mode". You can define the line or polygon, the program will assign flight lines, and then you can have it take pictures at a specific distance, time, or let it do choose based on your GSD. You can even set your overlaps to be zero or very low so that it spreads the photos lines out a lot farther.

Trying to help here, but maybe if you could provide a simple sketch to show what you're trying to achieve, that might clear things up.
t page 14, section 3 "Capture Mode" pertain the 3D Map Area description not the waypoint mission.

capture mode and overlaps is no setting in waypoint mode...

A complicated line is impractical to select a region on a map

If 3D Map Area could choose one of its polyline its perfect.

This is only possible for UgCs client, but it needs computer...

I appreciate your help :)
in GS Pro you can set overlaps and capture mode on Advanced tab as I remember.

If you need simple photogrammetry mission over [almost] flat terrain GS Pro will be great choose.

I have own question - anyone ever tried to use "trigger by distance" capture mode?
OK, I understand. You need "corridor mapping".

I saw sample only in senseFly eMotion software, but it works with eBee drone only.

We will implement corridor mapping tool in UgCS, I hope in UgCS 2.13 (after one release).

I UgCS I can propose workaround until we will release corridor mapping - you can combine any number of photogrammetry areas in one flight, something like this:

It has now been tested and has positive and negative feedback.

+ Electricline is easy to route to the map and select a photo cover
+ I can adjust the camera angle and the picture area will be displayed on the map.

A small problem is that DJI P4P joins the program? The announcement comes that united, but the aircraft is not shown on the map. The problem usually disappears when you unplug the usb cable and connec it back.

The bigger the problem is the way the program adjusts the flight speed so the images not be motion blur.
The problem is that the flight speed is dropped, it would be better to increase the camera's ISO value and shutter speed.

On a flight a program dropped a flight speed of 2 m / s so the flight took unnecessarily long. If the ISO had been increased, the flight would have been able to run at a reasonable flight speed.

If I lifted the shutter speed to a high, then the images became dark because ISO remained at 100.

I would miss a little improvement and then program will be good for me.

Here are two sets of images on the same section.

Dark pictures time flight tim e 2 min 6 sec = time is good but pictures do not ...
Normal pictures time went 5 min 58 sec = pictures ok, but time is not...
ve5ku - what is it about the power lines that is being inspected? I'm curious because the photos include not only the power lines but also a fair amount of surrounding environment.
From the pictures for see there are trees that have fall into the power line and cause problems with the distribution of electricity
In Finland, electricity lines pass through the woods sometimes far from the road and there is no easy and quick walk there.
in air, inspection is faster and time is money :)

PC based but exports to CSV then import into DJIULTIMATE FLIGHT APP

DJI Ultimate Flight - Home

I have had some issues with certain Android Tablets, there is a free trial period though.
Have had issues running this on my Galaxy S6 and NVIDIA Shield, need to go over the manual again.
We to are trying to fly single line missions, trying different options.
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