
Jul 19, 2016
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I have the newest version of the Phantom 2 (Transmitter has the tilt wheel). I have been using a fixed bracket for my GoPro and decided to upgrade to a gimble, was saving for a H3-3D when a H3-2D came on EBay for £60 and I snapped it up. It starts facing ahead then turns 45 degrees down where it stays, having the new controller with the wheel, I can't angle it up and keep it there as the spring inside brings it back.
I done tons of research today but can't find a definitive answer as to whether the 2D could be compatible or if I should just sell it on and keep saving for a 3D. The pitch control doesn't bother me, even if I could just angle it up to face forward a bit that would be fine
I have tried to connect the P2 to my laptop to use phantom assistant after reading online but can't get this to work at all-my P2 doesn't show up when connected via usb. I also see that the firmware from DJI is for the vision rather than mine don't know if that makes a difference.
Also, I don't want to remove the wheel spring-this just seems like a harsh move.
Anything obvious I've missed?
Many thanks
I have the newest version of the Phantom 2 (Transmitter has the tilt wheel). I have been using a fixed bracket for my GoPro and decided to upgrade to a gimble, was saving for a H3-3D when a H3-2D came on EBay for £60 and I snapped it up. It starts facing ahead then turns 45 degrees down where it stays, having the new controller with the wheel, I can't angle it up and keep it there as the spring inside brings it back.
I done tons of research today but can't find a definitive answer as to whether the 2D could be compatible or if I should just sell it on and keep saving for a 3D. The pitch control doesn't bother me, even if I could just angle it up to face forward a bit that would be fine
I have tried to connect the P2 to my laptop to use phantom assistant after reading online but can't get this to work at all-my P2 doesn't show up when connected via usb. I also see that the firmware from DJI is for the vision rather than mine don't know if that makes a difference.
Also, I don't want to remove the wheel spring-this just seems like a harsh move.
Anything obvious I've missed?
Many thanks

Ah. As I was posting this, the gimbal just sold on eBay so I guess I'll be saving for a 3D.

All the zenmuse gimbals whether it be a h3-2d, h3-3d or the h4-3d operate the same way when first installed on a P2 if they are not setup. By setup I mean that X1 (tilt wheel in your case) has to be calibrated in the controller software as well as in the P2 software.

The going price here in the US for a new zenmuse H4-3D is 199.00 (£ 152.26) and on ebay for the H3-3D the price is the same. A word of advice be care of what you buy online that you are not buying someone else's problems.

You mentioned that your P2 was not being recognized by the software and if you are using a PC with Windows 10 that could be the reason. Being that the assistant software for the P2 is marked as phantom 2 vision has nothing to do with the problem as that software works for all the phantom 2 line. If indeed you are Windows 10 try to fine a PC that has either version 7 or 8.1 as the software works on both of those versions.
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