H3-2D - Video not coming through the gimble.

Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
St Petersburg, Florida
Today, while flying, a large street light pole jumped out in front of my phantom 2 without warning. The quad went down pretty hard and there is evidence of a concrete smack on the back of the camera plate. The phantom, the gimbal and the camera all work fine, except that I can only see my osd data but no image though my fat shark goggles. I suspect the smack on the camera plate caused it to turn further than it was meant to and pulled some connection loose inside. Since the camera comes on when I fire up the phantom, there must bel SOME connection between the camera and the gimbal.

My question is....has anyone tried to disassemble one of these gimbels to try and repair them?

I'm pretty handy, but if no one has successfully repaired one of these, there is no reason for me to think I will be the first. I don't want to loose other options because I jumped in to quickly.

I don't know what the warranty is on these..I've had it for less than 90 days, but as I said, it's clear it had a pretty hard fall.

Second question. Has anybody sent one of these out for repair and succeeded in getting a fix? To DJI? How long did it take?
lol, so many replies! :(

Did you ever figure out a solution?

I have the same issue I suspect o_O high impact crash that took out one of my motor controllers and bent the gimbal mount....once replaced worked fine but 3 flights later and all of a sudden I no longer get video transmitting to fatshark goggles....telemetry still but no vid....I've rather have the vid!
Hard to say it's the gimball as it is the hardest element to isolate and verify? Also the most expensive component to swap out in the system for the video
so Jason replied to me, thank you! ...I don't see it here though!?

Got an email with:
"Depending on the transmitter you are using which isn't mentioned the more likely loss of video would be caused by a damaged USB or the gimbal ribbon. All of which can be verified by doing a continuity check with VOM that has a continuity ringer.
So which video TX are you using?"

I have the Immersion 5.8/600MW/AV tx

My buddy and I did verify the continuity of the vid cable between the immersion and the iOSD, and we did the same for the 8pin gray ribbon from the top of the gimbal to the "zenmuse" connection on the DJI.

I wonder about the black & gold ultra thin 'ribbon' that goes from the side of the gimbal to the arm where the GP sits...I suppose this control the axis movements. but also must carry vid since it is the handshake between the gimbal and GP.

So in essence we weren't able to see if the signal goes through the gimbal to the GP (visa versa), which my gut is telling me like you said, it's probably rooted in the gimbal somewhere

other friend and I tried to verify the ultra thin black ribbon cable that spans the gimbal...a tough task indeed. no change.

Then we used his GP, Hero 3 plus and it worked!

Mine was a 4 silver. Strange that my 4 would work for a short time and then not at all. that was the first thing I tried to clean too, the contacts of it and the interchange with gimbal

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