Gimbal tilts when P2 is rotated around Z-axis

Sep 15, 2015
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Thought I would show a video of my recent issue. When the P2 rotates the gimbal tilts. It's almost like there's a wire crossed, but there isn't. Nothing has changed. The gimbal works fine holding position when I tilt the quad around the x/y axis, but when it's rotated around the z it freaks out. The first video is mine, and the second video is one I found that basically shows the same way my video records. He has not posted a solution update to that video. I've already resolved that I'm probably going to get the H3-3D, but that's more of a "next month's budget" item so I'd like to salvage the H3-2D if possible.

Thought I would show a video of my recent issue. When the P2 rotates the gimbal tilts. It's almost like there's a wire crossed, but there isn't. Nothing has changed. The gimbal works fine holding position when I tilt the quad around the x/y axis, but when it's rotated around the z it freaks out. The first video is mine, and the second video is one I found that basically shows the same way my video records. He has not posted a solution update to that video. I've already resolved that I'm probably going to get the H3-3D, but that's more of a "next month's budget" item so I'd like to salvage the H3-2D if possible.

In the second video no gimbal was used and it's hard to tell if you're having a problem without seeing the actual flight video.
If you watch the first video, look at how the camera tilts when the Phantom is turned. It shouldn't. The second video is what I experience from a camera view. The camera tilts when the quad is rotated.
If you watch the first video, look at how the camera tilts when the Phantom is turned. It shouldn't. The second video is what I experience from a camera view. The camera tilts when the quad is rotated.

I have used a H3-2D for 17 months and that gimbal has only two axis and is impossible to tilt as you say. Even a three axis gimbal will not tilt in the fashion that is happening in the second video. So the only way you can convince me or anyone else is post your own flight video with camera tilting like that.
I have used a H3-2D for 17 months and that gimbal has only two axis and is impossible to tilt as you say. Even a three axis gimbal will not tilt in the fashion that is happening in the second video. So the only way you can convince me or anyone else is post your own flight video with camera tilting like that.

What do you mean impossible? It tilts side to side around the X axis, correct? Normally this accommodates for when the phantom rolls or deals with wind. Only it's happening when the phantom is turning while sitting in one location.
What do you mean impossible? It tilts side to side around the X axis, correct? Normally this accommodates for when the phantom rolls or deals with wind. Only it's happening when the phantom is turning while sitting in one location.

There are only two motors on the H3-2D gimbal. The back motor keeps it level and side motor allows you to tilt the camera up and down that's it. Now a three axis gimbal has three motors and third motor (in the top) allows the camera to move left or right when the craft yaws either left or right for a much smoother move. As I said prove me wrong with by posting a flight video.
It's not turning side to side it's tilting left and right. Watch the first video. When held level you can see it tilt and then slowly return to to normal. That isn't supposed to happen.

I'll post a video of the impossible when I get home.
I present: the impossible!

Left joystick full left at the beginning, not touching gimbal controls.
I present: the impossible!

Left joystick full left at the beginning, not touching gimbal controls.

Sorry for the delay in answering you.

Go into the P2 assistant software and in the advanced tab check in the gimbals control to see if checked the FPV box if so uncheck it. What that does is to lock down the gimbal from leveling out when you roll the quad left or right. Even though I had a H3-2D installed on mine I never check that box it wasn't until a few days ago that decided to see what would do on a H3-3D gimbal which is kind of neat if you like that effect.

So let me know if that was the cause.
It's not checked. I had that thought as well because it seems like that is what it's doing, only reversed.

I'm picking up a H3-3D tomorrow as well as another P2. The owner crashed it and is upgrading. So P2, gimbal, two batteries, FatShark FPV goggles, two batteries, iOSD mini, Immersion 600mw transmitter, and some other stuff all for $450!

My boss is buying the FatShark goggles from me for $200 so basically I'm getting two batteries and some parts for $250 and getting a free quad, gimbal, and a winter project!
It's not checked. I had that thought as well because it seems like that is what it's doing, only reversed.

I'm picking up a H3-3D tomorrow as well as another P2. The owner crashed it and is upgrading. So P2, gimbal, two batteries, FatShark FPV goggles, two batteries, iOSD mini, Immersion 600mw transmitter, and some other stuff all for $450!

My boss is buying the FatShark goggles from me for $200 so basically I'm getting two batteries and some parts for $250 and getting a free quad, gimbal, and a winter project!

Well the only thing that could be causing that problem is the motor itself. Hopefully the H3-3D isn't damaged.

Are you still using those wide landing gears or have you replaced them?
Replaced with standard landing gear.

Best you get snap on extensions so it's off the ground as hard landings can be costly. Had the same problem where wider or longer landing gear would not fit in my hard case so the snap on do the job.

By the way for every gram of weight you add to your quad you loose 1 second of flight time. So it does matter.

Also forgot to mention if you use the reply button in the bottom right corner when responding to an answer or question that flag in gray banner will and red number notifying the person you corresponding with he has an answer.
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Is that a lens filter or protector on the Gopro in the first video?
Well the only thing that could be causing that problem is the motor itself. Hopefully the H3-3D isn't damaged.

Are you still using those wide landing gears or have you replaced them?

Well, definitely need to send the H3-3D back for repair. Lower mounting bracket is bent up pretty good. This thing definitely crashed more than once.

However, for $450 I got everything I listed earlier. My boss bought the FatShark goggles from me for $200 after we hooked them up and tested them out. Definitely putting a set of those on my wish list at some point. Both batteries are not puffy and have already been thru a flight with nothing irregular. I'm going to hook them up to the laptop and see how many cycles they have. I also got an iOSD mini but the cables are broken, and an Immersion 600mw transmitter new in the package. So basically I bought some batteries and got a whole box of free stuff. Best of all I plugged in my old off brand batteries and they seemed to work fine, so no firmware updating for this bird! A new shell and new GPS antenna (this one looks like it has been pulled off and reattached) at the very least I will have a flying P2 for under $100.
Well, definitely need to send the H3-3D back for repair. Lower mounting bracket is bent up pretty good. This thing definitely crashed more than once.

However, for $450 I got everything I listed earlier. My boss bought the FatShark goggles from me for $200 after we hooked them up and tested them out. Definitely putting a set of those on my wish list at some point. Both batteries are not puffy and have already been thru a flight with nothing irregular. I'm going to hook them up to the laptop and see how many cycles they have. I also got an iOSD mini but the cables are broken, and an Immersion 600mw transmitter new in the package. So basically I bought some batteries and got a whole box of free stuff. Best of all I plugged in my old off brand batteries and they seemed to work fine, so no firmware updating for this bird! A new shell and new GPS antenna (this one looks like it has been pulled off and reattached) at the very least I will have a flying P2 for under $100.

The repair of the H3-3D could cost as much as a good used one from B&H.for $239.95. I bought mine from them used and it looked like a new gimbal an haven't any problems with it.
Used DJI Zenmuse H3-3D 3-Axis Gimbal for GoPro CP.ZM.000052 B&H

Check your PM for info
Well, H3-2D went with its new owner yesterday along with an explanation of how it's currently acting. H3-3D has already been assessed by DJI with a repair bill of $147.00, and should be on its way back to me this week hopefully. Replacing the lower bracket and two servos according to the invoice. $65 for service seems a bit excessive, but whatever. When it returns I'll ensure it functions correctly before switching out the connection from the flimsy cable to the piece that attaches thru the back of the GoPro. Then I can assess if I need the interference board since I don't currently have it installed.

The shell on the crashed P2 has been replaced and it has undergone numerous flights already while functioning perfectly. Added a Buzzcam GPS booster due to being worried about the state of the old GPS shield, including running the cable under the old sheild for maximum effect.

I've ordered several sets of blades from DJI authorized sources, and people don't seem to be able to differentiate between 9443 and 9450 blades despite it being on the blade. For example, I bought a pair of new in package 9443 blades from a seller on eBay since I was buying something else from him and I was able to snag them for $3 shipped. I also purchased a set of 9443 from B&H with my last order so I would have another matching set. When they arrived the first set was 9450s while the ones from B&H were correct. I already had a set of 9450s new that I died blue, and was planning to have 9443s for backup in a different color. Now I'll likely order another pair of each because I hate not having a complete set should I need them.

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