FAA Registration Rules Announced NOW

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I've been in touch with my source inside the FAA.......................... and I know for a fact that Badges are coming next. You must wear it at all times when flying your UAV. I heard this on the down-low and got mine already!


Got a really neat Captain's hat being made too, as we speak! See ya later, suckahs!!

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As far as I can see, no mention in this thread has been made of the need to be insured for Public and Third Party Liability.
In the US, insurance is the domain of the states. The FAA cannot mandate insurance.
It's not law. It's a rule from an executive agency that is overstepping its constitutional authority. None of our elected representatives in Congress debated and passed this law.
I will repeat for those who don't read the posts, or are otherwise slow to understand.

49 USC § 44102 requires aircraft to be registered prior to operation. All aircraft. The FAA has just ignored model aircraft for decades. 49 USC are the laws passed by Congress regarding aviation. 14 CFR § are the registration rules created by the FAA to comply with the law from Congress.

All rulemaking gets vetted by a Congressional Committee and the White house before they can become final. Either of which can send it back for re-writing if needed.

Here's a link to a document that explains the Federal rulemaking process.
Again.....UAVs are NOT being registered with this new "Law". YOU are being "registered"!

Since we're making this up as we go, here's a consequence I'll bet non of you have thought of.......

It is now against the law to let your friend or family member take the controls of your quad. Unless they're registered of course...and their number is affixed to YOUR property.

Am I wrong?
Other than the registration requirement, does this legally change any of the "rules" around flying?
Yes, and I pointed it out very early in this thread, but people are too busy promoting the Tea Party to listen to what is actually in the rule.
Again.....UAVs are NOT being registered with this new "Law". YOU are being "registered"!

Since we're making this up as we go, here's a consequence I'll bet non of you have thought of.......

It is now against the law to let your friend or family member take the controls of your quad. Unless they're registered of course...and their number is affixed to YOUR property.

Am I wrong?
Yes you r. In the q and a the faa made about these registrations they said that you can print out a registration paper that ur registered and give it to the flyer even if its not you and he'll be good to fly legally
If anyone else had posted this first I would have been surprised.
Keep in mind that these draconian fines and penalties are the current fines for REAL airplanes. Also, the operative words are "up to". Now that drones are also deemed "aircraft", the FAA isn't making a distinction, but compliance is their goal, not collecting fines. Clearly, they won't be sanctioning anyone $27,500 for a first offense of not registering themselves as a drone owner, or "forgetting" to put your reg # inside the battery compartment, or having your number "fall off" during a crash, or not having your certificate available while flying. First, someone has to complain. Then a report has to be taken. That report has to be forwarded to the FAA. The FAA has to get around to looking at it. Then they have to decide if 13 year old Johnny flying his drone in his front yard before registering it is worthy of prosecution, when they have real pilots with real airplanes that are not registering and flying drunk and crashing and making up phony drone sightings. :rolleyes: At worst, they might send Johnny a warning letter, asking him to please register, assuming the drone crashing wasn't the reason for the complaint. No need to register the owner of a crashed drone that can't fly, or one that has been crashed in the months it took the FAA to respond.
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Got a really neat Captain's hat being made too, as we speak! See ya later, suckahs!!

I was going to go with a different style.


I want to maintain that professional look. ;)

I have yet to see any public service commercials on TV. I wonder how they plan to get the word out? Sky writing?
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e.g. you take a Phantom through the Lexan
Cessna used 3/16" plexiglass on all of their single-engine aircraft. Not the more crash proof Lexan.
I knew this topic would get pretty heated but some comments and off comments were like wow. Weather you choose to register your bird or not should not warrant comparisons to what happened to Jews in Germany, slavery, being herded like sheep or kissing camel's asses (though that last one was funny). Like it or not ALL Americans adhere to hundreds of various laws and standards every day. Do you work or worked for a living: yes
Do you drive on the same roads: yes
Do you hate paying taxes: yes
Did you go to school at some point: yes
I mean I could keep going forever with the normalities we accept in everyday life. Is this registration the end probably not. Will registering or not mean a hill of beans to the gov't no. Will police really bother you if your not being an idiot, not unless your FWB (flying while black). So just do as you like cause change is coming weather we like it or not.
Yes you r. In the q and a the faa made about these registrations they said that you can print out a registration paper that ur registered and give it to the flyer even if its not you and he'll be good to fly legally

Like I said, we're making this up as we go.

I guess you can "give" me a copy of your registration? Will I then be "good to fly legally"?
I hope the FAA's website is more secure than the healthcare.gov and your credit card or personal data isn't stolen. That's far more expensive than 5 dollars.
More lies. Healthcare.gov does not collect credit cards.
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Ohh, tough guy....bwhahaha.
I doubt your up to it today, probably not for a week. Today you have declared to be "The Saddest Day in America" because you have to register your toys.
I don't want to take advantage of you when you are weakened by such an emotional toll as this $5 (free if you act now!) fee has hit you with.

Carry on with your bombastic rhetoric, asshat.
It's not free, as most people would understand free. You pay $5 with your credit card "to assist with authentication," and then they later issue a $5 credit, but you must first use your personal credit card to get the $5 credit.
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I've been in touch with my source inside the FAA....................
Is this your same FAA source who ran away when we asked him to respond to "which rule"?
I like your badge.
FWB....you have to be kidding . Now this is the first time I've seen this .
It's similar to DWB (driving). 4 times since July I've been asked about flying. Fyi I've been stopped twice for DWB in that same period. It was an annoyance when I was younger but now it's just one of those "normalities" I deal with.
I'm not a fan of big government. I vote against it every time I can. As to the benefit of this FAA rule, the only one that I see is that maybe some kid or parent will be forced to jump through a few hoops, read some safety info, etc before unboxing and flying.
I wouldn't want to throw my 14 year old the car keys either.
Understanding the airspace and the safe operation of sUAS within it, while following safe parameters is a good thing,
Perhaps this will also slow down the myriad of local municipalities and small town promulgating their own air space rules/laws.
Other than that, it sucks.
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It's similar to DWB (driving). 4 times since July I've been asked about flying. Fyi I've been stopped twice for DWB in that same period. It was an annoyance when I was younger but now it's just one of those "normalities" I deal with.
Everything doesn't come down to race Grim .
See ya in Buffalo . How the Bill's doing ....don't keep up with it much no more .
Is this your same FAA source who ran away when we asked him to respond to "which rule"?.
You have me confused with someone else, apparently. I have no idea what you're talking about. Although, I do seem to remember now, some guy coming on here saying he was FAA. But I wasn't involved in it at all.
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