DJI Announce Media Event

Dec 24, 2013
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Bristol UK
New airframe is happening...

Media event 8th April 11:30 AM EST

I'm guessing either the P3 or a HexCopter...

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Can't wait to see but I wish they (and most people) would just get their timezones right. They meant eastern time or EDT.
EST = Eastern Standard Time
Well if they come out with a new one with All the stuff I done did to the one I got now me just gonna be pissed !!!!! :mad:
Man, April 8th is when my p2 v2 is supposed to arrive back from DJI.
Only a few islands and Panama observe EST in April. The rest of the Eastern Time Zone is in EDT now.

-- Roger
Ah yes, good point!
I wonder if the geniuses at..."OCTOsuck' will be putting out a 'teaser' trailer this time around?
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My 2 cents; They still have the handheld go pro gimbal to produce they presented at the show, and the whole "Evolve" thing may be just an improved P2 with collision avoidance and a new controller as evidenced by the recent FCC application, also look at the video, the last one for the inspire clued it as well for that one, (Imagery mirrored patterns, urgency for change "FAA Pressure" they haven't got an FCC approval for a new bird, only a controller so, its all about safety, collision avoidance, producing and correcting what we have all demanded for ever etc...
I think it will be a bolt on device to the existing p2 platform.
maybe non-gps stability flight - sonar like the inspire.
maybe bolt on 4k camera.
maybe an intelligent flight system incorportated into a revised lightbridge system with some percepto functions.
Collision avoidance, more range and a better app would be great.

I think we're still a way off having collision avoidance in consumer products like these, more likely that will appear on high end systems first, S800, etc.

I think it will be a bolt on device to the existing p2 platform.
maybe non-gps stability flight - sonar like the inspire.
maybe bolt on 4k camera.
maybe an intelligent flight system incorportated into a revised lightbridge system with some percepto functions.

It's unlikely DJI will carry over the Inspire1's USP features over to the lower priced product line, I doubt we'll see Lightbridge and sonar.

My money is on a re-designed airframe (perhaps called the P3, or a new name altogether) to replace the P2/Vision. Possibly unifying the two products by offering an interchangeable gimbal to allow the user to choose either a GoPro or stock camera. Although it feels like they are now investing heavily in their own camera systems – will they scrap GoPro support altogether? Case in point; there seems little reason to stick a GoPro4 on an Inspire1, the stock camera has a superior lens.

All said, the whole 'Evolve' theme suggests a redesign to me. Interested to see what they've come up with.
Why would they put collision avoidance on it? Only new fliers would benefit from it because if you cant avoid an obsticle it means you are flying too close to it. If you fly too close to something, crash and have to buy a new one dji benefit. I think that one can be ruled out. If it's going to have a 4k camera be prepared to pay a pretty penny, it would be a lot more expensive than a vision and just enough less than the inspire. Don't be expecting too much from whatever is going to be released next.
Also, as we're going by rumours and tid-bits of information, I got the link from their Instagram, and on the pic was this phrase:

''Your point of view or mine?
How about both? From above: #experiencewonder''

Sounds like a hint towards dual operators with dual camera views to me.

But hey, it's all speculation!

I though that when i sore it on there facebook page, as long as it has the new lightbridge system integrated into the controller like the inspire im a happy man and will order one straight away.

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