Can someone help me optimize my waypoints flight?

Or why not record from the beginning of flight and throw away what you don’t need? Any respectable SD card will hold at least a battery’s worth of video.
ya that is what i decided to do. Yes my initial issue was actions. But now that ive just set it to record everything that isnt a concern so much. My latest issue is that a manual version of orbit using waypoints is not smooth. If you watch my video you will see what i mean.
I thought your complaint was that you couldn’t set actions to take pictures at waypoints using curved turns. If that’s not an issue then why not use curved turns while shooting video? Maybe I misunderstood.
ya i decided to do video from start to offset that issue.
Try Interpolate in the mission settings.
i have every waypoint set to that....setting it in mission settings just sends the default right? so if i specify to use Interpolate on every waypoint it should be the same thing no?

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