Buried at Sea. My Phantom 4 is at the Bottom of the Atlantic now

Could be several different reasons why, 1 prop not attached right, 2 bird strike, I noticed the seagulls flying around, they an be aggressive , or it could have been a motor failure.Its the risk you have if you don’t have drone insurance to cover your self.

I actually didn't know that Drone Insurance existed (until now). Do you guys recommend any particular insurer, or is it through DJI?
When flying over water always add some flotation to my drone. I almost never do the water thing. I also have my name and address on my P4. Mine was also a gift from one of my daughters. For a long time I was also afraid to fly it because of the cost. I've been in RC sense 1972 and could really never afford it? Sorry you lost it! That really sucks!

I'm definitely going to be more careful around water from now on. If that had crashed over land it would have been beat up for sure, but probably repairable or salvageable, and I would have gotten my SD card back.

Someone else mentioned flotation devices for drones. I'll look into that too. In my case it may have enabled me to retrieve it.
Sorry about your P4 but I have to ask, why can't you recovery it? What's the current like? If you can not dive what about a dinghy and fishing tackle especially if the water is clear enough to see the bottom

The area it rests is an inlet, the tide is constantly shifting. It's a no-swim zone, and I don't dare attempt it. This weekend I'm considering seeing if a local fisherman would bring me to the area it went down, but even if I get it back it would be a total loss.

This is the area it went down in:
In the photo there's a boat coming out of the inlet, that is right where my drone went down.
One of the very few instances where the data indicates a lost prop, and one frame of video appears to confirm that.

View attachment 114831

View attachment 114832

Whoa!!! Great investigative work! Thank you! I did notice something white flying off in the video at around 3:46 but I could freeze frame it like you have. It looks like half of a prop? I have never crashed or damaged the props before. What would cause one to split apart? Is it possible that a wind gust would be strong enough to do that?

Also, what software tools did you use to gather and graph that data? Very cool! Can you point me to the software?

Thank you again! Although it doesn't bring back my drone, it does help me understand that anything could go wrong at any time - and to plan for it.

If you retrieve it the SD card may have a better footage. ;)

Hey I just learned how adjust the playback speed on YouBoob. :)

13 mins in flight, then looses a prop?
Have we ruled out a bird strike?

Whats your thoughts on the bird thing?

Sorry for your loss, It least you know where yours is, I haven't found my P2V+ yet, I just know it is above Sea Level. :rolleyes:


I had my eyes directly on it when it failed. It was alone in the air space, and looked like it hit an invisible wall. Kind of what I would expect it to look like if someone (like the Iranian's), jammed the electronics. LOL! Hey, maybe it was the Iranians? Should I report this to Homeland Security? :)
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What would cause one to split apart?
It is a bit "blurred" to distinguish between a full and partial prop. I would suspect more likely the full prop. The data would have looked a bit differently if it were a broken prop, as opposed to missing.

Also, what software tools did you use to gather and graph that data?

That is from CSV View by @BudWalker. Here is the link if you are interested. It is free. CSV View
It looks more like a half of a propeller but wouldn't put my hand into the fire for it.
A half or a whole prop. the result is the same. It is only for distinguishing between the broken prop or failed attachment.
According to the video and description of the incident the prop off issue is almost sure. If not in warranty it is futile to retrieve it as it is non reparable. It is wise to check props and attachment from time to time.
A piece of plastic - yes, but even Apollo 11 exploded only because of some defective rubber gasket. That's reality. Nothing to be done about it.
It looks more like a half of a propeller but wouldn't put my hand into the fire for it.
Possibly, but the data doesn't really indicate that. True, the results are the same regardless.
And who here remembers watching Apollo 11 'live' on TV???? Me for one whoops
And who here remembers watching Apollo 11 'live' on TV???? Me for one whoops
Born in 1971?

Apollo 11, 1968.
I do remember watching the moon footage live.

Apollo 13th 1970
I knew about this one but didn't watch it.

Challenger 1986
Yes I watched this one.

So to stay with this topic,
Has anybody visited the Kennedy space museum? (Just Kidding) ;) :):rolleyes:

I have, and If you have every looked at a night sky with curiosity, it should be a must for your to-do list.....

There is free app for mobiles "SkyView Lite" check it out.

I'm going to leave this thread for now, I just got back to earth. ;)


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