Wonder how long before DJI releases an offical FPV system?

Mar 8, 2013
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Based on the fact that many people are buying a Phantom and then running out and purchasing a FPV system. It would be logical for DJI to release an official unit that has been tested to work with the Phantom. Or will that be the Phantom 2 next year?
Re: Wonder how long before DJI releases an offical FPV syste

I have no doubt whatsoever that based on the success and popularity of the Phantom,
that DJI will be producing something like a Phantom v2, not next year, but in time
for the holiday season this coming November or early December.

tho I think before they do FPV, they'll probably come up with a Phantom Jumbo (larger or Hex/Octo) to more parallel their existing kit products... or perhaps even a cheaper model somehow that'll really appeal to consumers.

I think their main issues are with other 2.4ghs devices,. not the 5.8ghz that most FPV systems run on.

I'd imagine they'd come out with a consumer/Phantom gimbal system before delving into FPV as well.
Re: Wonder how long before DJI releases an offical FPV syste

I believe it's definitely something that they are planning for in the future. Watch after 3:40 and Dave Hollins from DJI Europe speaks about some interesting future add-on capabilities, including video down link.


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