With P4P out, Mavic is dead

Correct.But the P4 has better flight time.Add two more minutes if you use the new battery from the P4P.
Are we still having this discussion? No, it doesn't. Maybe on paper, but not in reality.

edit: Why are you allowing a new high-capacity battery in the equation? So if there's a new battery for the Mavic tomorrow, your point does not hold anymore? You can't allow for new tech that was designed for other models.

I'm done having this argument anymore. Say what you will.
There are so many improvements in P4P, it's far ahead of the competition for camera quality, assuming the product is as good as we think, based on the specs and early reviews.
It's embarrassing how far DJI has jumped ahead of the other manufacturers.
No other manufacturer has come up with anything yet to beat (or even match) a nearly 2 year old Lightbridge P3.
They're still using laggy, low range wifi !!
With all the refinements and that fabulous camera, the P4pro is now two generations ahead of their offerings.
Nowdays, the only real competition for a DJI drone is one of the other DJI drones
Are we still having this discussion? No, it doesn't. Maybe on paper, but not in reality.

edit: Why are you allowing a new high-capacity battery in the equation? So if there's a new battery for the Mavic tomorrow, your point does not hold anymore? You can't allow for new tech that was designed for other models.

I'm done having this argument anymore. Say what you will.
LOL!Calm down dear friend,it's just a discussion.
It's embarrassing how far DJI has jumped ahead of the other manufacturers.
No other manufacturer has come up with anything yet to beat (or even match) a nearly 2 year old Lightbridge P3.
They're still using laggy, low range wifi !!
With all the refinements and that fabulous camera, the P4pro is now two generations ahead of their offerings.
Nowdays, the only real competition for a DJI drone is one of the other DJI drones
I totally agree...I'm somewhat of a "techie guy" and typically buy the same type of product from multiple manufacturers (i.e. laptops, cameras, etc.), then I 'll use them and list the pros & cons. Unfortunately this is not possible in the consumer drone market. DJI, Parrot, Yunec & 3DR...not much to compare especially once I look at the available features.
I totally agree...I'm somewhat of a "techie guy" and typically buy the same type of product from multiple manufacturers (i.e. laptops, cameras, etc.), then I 'll use them and list the pros & cons. Unfortunately this is not possible in the consumer drone market. DJI, Parrot, Yunec & 3DR...not much to compare especially once I look at the available features.
What is dissapointing is that the field of competition based on price range has now diminished. $1000 to $3000 is dominated by DJI, and under this price range is what the other manufactures will scramble to dominate come 2017.

DJI has one of the biggest R&D components in the drone industry which is why they are so far out front in tech. My worry is that without competition DJI will rest on what it has achieved and future products may just be more of the same.

You'll know this the case if in 2017 DJI slows the launch of new products (i.e., no Phantom 5 until end year. No Mavic Pro 2 until end year).

Sent from my SM-P550 using PhantomPilots mobile app
I agree that DJI is a pretty remarkable company. They have some...unconventional...marketing concepts, but if you look at the technology curve they have followed over the 4 years since the Phantom 1 came out in 2013, it is a pretty amazing evolution, and one that is so aggressive that I don't see how anyone can keep up, let alone get ahead under the present marketing environment.

I do think that feature development will slow, mainly because their approach so far has been bringing existing technology up to speed and applying it. There's only so much technology available, I don't look for new features as much as I see increased reliability in hardware and firmware, as well as increasingly advanced software. This might allow other companies to catch up eventually.
I told my wife that we should get a mavic, it would be nice to take along hiking because it's a whole different tool, she replied "your a tool" lol

Man oh man that made me laugh - I can just picture in my mind something like happening - too funny.

What was your response? I know mine would have been "ya...I know".
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thedjtec. you will wait forever for the right drone and never buy one, for DJi will update every model within a year as there are so many possibilities for upgrade let alone new designs. When the next Mavic is launched the P4P will be outdated and you will be pig sick . Even more so when the P5 is launched May time. The Mavic is the best all-round drone and will only get better
thedjtec. you will wait forever for the right drone and never buy one, for DJi will update every model within a year as there are so many possibilities for upgrade let alone new designs. When the next Mavic is launched the P4P will be outdated and you will be pig sick . Even more so when the P5 is launched May time. The Mavic is the best all-round drone and will only get better
I agree, there are many things that can be improved with DJI's product, as great as they are. I'm sure they have a long list of goals over the next 5yrs. I can name at least a half dozen worthy features I'd like to see created. It's going to be interesting, and I'm sure fun. These are exciting times. However DJI is so far ahead of everyone else, Meta4 is right, it's embarrassing. I'm afraid what's going to happen to GoPro, they must feel totally defeated in San Mateo. Yuneec is the closest to being a competitor to DJI, but they need something like Lightbridge to be in the hunt. I was hoping Broadcom would step up with some revolutionary communications solution for drone manufacturers to latch onto. I saw them at CES last year, touting their interest in offering the industry drone "building blocks" to build with, such as they do in the cellphone industry. However I've seen no announcements. It will be interesting to see if Broadcom is at CES again in January with the same pitch. If anyone can create a Lightbridge type wireless communication chips, Broadcom can. They have the right engineering staff, and the deep pockets to make it happen. It only takes a commitment from them to make it an interesting horse race.
1 mile is totally inadequate. I'd never by any drone that only goes 1 mile, that's mice-nuts for today's technology. Most all of my flights are over a mile away, and a good portion are over 2miles away, because I can.

If detuning the RC is DJI's "attempt to reign in rogue operators", why are they now touting 4.3mi range in the Mavic and P4P? This is over mile farther than past Phantoms? Makes absolutely no sense.
If long range is your game, what holding you back from the fixed wing flyers. Even a $70 foamy can go over 20 miles on a 5000 mah single battery
Man oh man that made me laugh - I can just picture in my mind something like happening - too funny.

What was your response? I know mine would have been "ya...I know".
At first I started to justify my reasoning getting a mavic, that lasted 10 seconds then I said Ya.. your right........we should wait the P5.......just got a mmmm, which means it's a possibility! Yea!
I agree that DJI is a pretty remarkable company. They have some...unconventional...marketing concepts, but if you look at the technology curve they have followed over the 4 years since the Phantom 1 came out in 2013, it is a pretty amazing evolution, and one that is so aggressive that I don't see how anyone can keep up, let alone get ahead under the present marketing environment.

I do think that feature development will slow, mainly because their approach so far has been bringing existing technology up to speed and applying it. There's only so much technology available, I don't look for new features as much as I see increased reliability in hardware and firmware, as well as increasingly advanced software. This might allow other companies to catch up eventually.

Nah.. there is heaps of room left. We are only at the Brick-phone stage of drones. Once the battery and propulsion tech catches up, there will be little drones following us and doing small jobs like walking the dogs and stuff. I just hope DJI wont become like Nokia and iPhone and slow/stop/reverse innovation.

And if you haven't heard what Frank has been up to, then you should be worried. He is creating robot war like competitions to scout china's smartest students/people. Even the military are a bit worried that all the nerds are all at Shenzen, working on drones and AI. I can only imagine that the next iterations will have deeper learning artificial intelligence built in.

And I thought Zenmuse gimbals were dead...
Zenmuse Z30 - Closing the Distance

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Just curious, if I am going through customs in a foreign country, which drone has the better profile. Oh, that's right, the Mavic.
Hi everyone, i read almost every post on the P4P section. But i still have a question that is unanswered; i know the P4P is a huge upgrade in video quality, but for me the P4 is enough. But after a lot reading i found out that the picture quality isn't great ( im comparing to entry level DSLR, i know not a fair comparison).
The question: Has the picture quality also improved with a significant bit or ? After a lot searching all i found was websites that published a standard news article with specs but no comprehensive review or comparison.
The P4P is a big upgrade for photographers. The sensor as been increased to 1". A real mechanical shutter has been added and a real aperture f2.8 to 11 rather than the P4 fixed f2.8. Also the P4 is 12 MPix and P4P is 20 MPix.
Hi everyone, i read almost every post on the P4P section. But i still have a question that is unanswered; i know the P4P is a huge upgrade in video quality, but for me the P4 is enough. But after a lot reading i found out that the picture quality isn't great ( im comparing to entry level DSLR, i know not a fair comparison).
The question: Has the picture quality also improved with a significant bit or ? After a lot searching all i found was websites that published a standard news article with specs but no comprehensive review or comparison.
There is nothing wrong with the Mavic's camera for its intended purpose, but the camera in the P4P is in simply in a different league with a 1" 20 MP sensor with physical iris and shutter, and is now in the performance neighborhood of a mid-level dSLR. For still pictures the improved sensor will mean much lower noise and better resolution and dynamic range, and the iris and focusing capabilities will allow better exposure and depth-of-field control. Also ISO to 12800 for stills (vs. 1600 in the Mavic), ability to shoot RAW+JPG, ability to capture stills while recording video, up to 14 fps burst, etc.
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Picture quality is more important to me than portability, i also have to carry a DLSR anyways.

The lower noise is something im very interested in... Because the P4/Mavic pictures are really nice, but when you crop the picture quality isn't that great, definitely not bad. Probably i have to high expectations after using a DLSR for taking photos.
My point is there are different reasons to favor one over another.
What's your point? No one disputes that portability is the Mavic's strong suit.

My point is that "the Mavic is dead" isn't quite the right title for this. Many people can use the Mavic for a number of purposes where it may be a better choice. Also, doesn't it fly very very quietly compared to the P4P?

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