What is the Coldest Temperature you can fly a Phantom 3 Standard?

Jul 18, 2021
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So I was wondering what is the coldest temperature people have been able to fly there Phantom 3 Standard safely? I know DJI says not to fly below 32 F but that is going to seriously limit my ability to fly during the winter. Also what is the minimum difference between dew point and temperature that people find it is safe to fly the P3S when it is below freezing? Thanks!
I've flown my Phantom 3 4K down to around 0 F several times with no issues. If you start it off warm, the flight battery is basically self-heating in flight, and the thicker air actually makes the props more effective at generating thrust.

My biggest problem has been the phone battery giving up, requiring me to fly back and land "blind", the controller and bird seem fine. The IMU can take a long time to preheat unless you calibrate it in the cold.

I am careful to let the batteries warm up again before charging them, lithium batteries want to form dendrites if they're fast-charged below freezing.
I've flown my Phantom 3 4K down to around 0 F several times with no issues. If you start it off warm, the flight battery is basically self-heating in flight, and the thicker air actually makes the props more effective at generating thrust.

My biggest problem has been the phone battery giving up, requiring me to fly back and land "blind", the controller and bird seem fine. The IMU can take a long time to preheat unless you calibrate it in the cold.

I am careful to let the batteries warm up again before charging them, lithium batteries want to form dendrites if they're fast-charged below freezing.
So for the IMU I guess you can let the drone hover a while in order for it warm up?
So for the IMU I guess you can let the drone hover a while in order for it warm up?
The bird won't take off until the IMU is calibrated, which seems to require it to reach the same temperature it was when you first ran the calibration.

I calibrated it around freezing, so it starts immediately in summer and fairly quickly even in the cold.
I would get the 'cold weather' alert with my Phantom 3 Std. if I tried to fly under 45 degs F. I bought a battery warmer to solve that issue. Ran the battery in the warmer for a few minutes and then no more errors.
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I have flown my P3S in temperatures around -25ºC (-13ºF) without any problems. As others have said you need to start with a warm battery and calibrate the IMU at a cold temperature so that the drone will start up in cold temps.


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