What is the best format to convert video

Feb 4, 2017
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I'm a longtime still shooter that has recently gotten into drones. I have a P4P and shooting/editing stills is a snap. Now I'm starting to dabble in video. I have CS4 Premier Pro and though I'm pretty good with Photoshop don't know where to start with Premier. So I bought a copy or Movavi which is pretty much point and shoot. The problem is finding out what format and settings to use to get a reasonably good video with a reasonable file size. Any recommendations?
It really depends on what you are using your videos for and how complex your edits will be. With Premiere Pro you can drop in your H.264 files from the P4P and edit right away. Then you can export an H.264 file to watch, upload to YouTube, or whatever. That workflow gives you the smoothest route with the least number of footage conversion steps. I've never used Movavi so I don't know if you'd have to convert your footage into a different format (Prores?) first or if you can work natively with the H.264 files. It might depend on the speed of your computer as well.
Thanks for your reply. I guess what I am looking for at this point is to get the best balance of quality and a file small enough to share via email. The files are coming from the drone as a .mov. I that an H.264 or am I using the wrong settings?
There are some pretty good videos on YouTube that teach basic and advanced Premiere Pro editing, same with the other major NLE's . I would recommend searching for a YouTuber called "chinfat". He has a complete series on the latest release of PP


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