(WARNING) Easy Drone Parts

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Jul 28, 2016
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I recently order a battery from this co. Not only did they send me a different battery from what they advertise But it came from another company from witch I could have order myself for $19. less. I try to call them,E-mailed them five day in a row NOTHING. Now at least the battery does work But be aware I don't think I will ever order something from this company again
I'm not sure what your point is. If you don't name names, that doesn't help your readers any, except that the general advice is that there are folks out there that will cheat you.

We knew that already.
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Why are you telling us this? Just deal with them. It's your personal business.
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The company's name is Easy Drone Parts. And I thought it might help someone.Sorry if I offended someone.You won't here anymore on this subject.
ARRRGH. They might have to deal with it on their own. I haven't enough time to fuss over thin skinned folks. :rolleyes:

Easy Drone parts...remembering. What are their general reviews?

...and have you done your best to lower their rating?
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Their ratings aren't too bad until you visit other forum sites; then it plummets to the bottom of the barrel.

If'n I was all mad at a vendor for poor service, I'd go to their website and talk bad about/to them.

Here is a good place to start: Reviews | EasyDroneParts

So far, all their "reviews" are 3 stars or better. I'm guessing that it needs to hear from those of you who are less pleased with your batteries.

...if'n you can, that is. :confused:
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