vision go home


Jan 25, 2014
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my friend just bought a vision, iv had the orginial phantom for 6 months now, we tested it a bunch of times, and the first two flights then every second or so flight, the vision would say connection lost, go home mode, luckily we had calibrated in a safe area and it returned home fine, has anyone had this problem, or have we done something wrong? most of the time when it goes into "go home" mode it has been no further then 50 mtrs from us, cheers
stu said:
my friend just bought a vision, iv had the orginial phantom for 6 months now, we tested it a bunch of times, and the first two flights then every second or so flight, the vision would say connection lost, go home mode, luckily we had calibrated in a safe area and it returned home fine, has anyone had this problem, or have we done something wrong? most of the time when it goes into "go home" mode it has been no further then 50 mtrs from us, cheers

Now rather than we drag it out of you, help us out by giving more information about where you were, what was around you that might interfere. Were you losing line of sight etc. :)
I've read stories of RC pilots losing their control link when flying over chain linked fences. Was there anything like that around?
we were on a beach, houses on one side, nothing out of the ordinary, and iv flown my original phantom in the same place numerous times, but i dont think its location because its happened to him at other places, its a consistent thing, i got him to test it with out using the wifi vision but it still went into go home mode the second flight, so im not sure what to tell him other then send it back, but im worried that wont have any great results anyway
I assume it was in FCC mode (2 beeps when you power up the transmitter), the transmitter antenna was pointed straight up, and the Vision was not close to you and high up? Has he had the transmitter open to check firmware?

5.8Ghz is certainly not as robust as 2.4GHz, but it should do a lot better than 50 metres. You should be able to get about 1000ft out of it in any direction at least.

If you've checked out all of the above then get either the whole thing replaced or maybe just the transmitter is bad...

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