Vertical Studio - Looking for Beta Testers

Well that's a nice surprise. We're from Waterloo, Ontario! Do you have any videos of the ice sailing boats handy ? I'd love to see them - they sound amazing! That's a really good use case but I don't quite understand what you mean by random elevations selected - do you mean keep changing the elevation along the flight path at timed intervals ? Interesting feature - no one has ever asked me that before, so I was to get more info.


Waterloo ! Too cool man. As for video of the ice sailing I did have several hrs worth, however the storage device for my footage kicked the bucket this summer with ALL my pic/videos files etc. NOT a happy camper at all. I have since moved to a synology multi drive server. Building up my stock footage as we go, with the colder weather in Kingston and no snow 'yet' the ice sailers will arrive soon as they have just a few inches of ice to sail on. I'll post once I have some.
As for changing the elevations, yes it could be timed at user set points, but I'm thinking more like the ability to set low and high attitude range for it to follow subject. Having this option to allow the software to pre-determine when to change heights on its own would result in some interesting footage. NOW I often fly in very open areas, filming boating, kayaking, ice sailing on frozen lakes and wide open cycling roads so it's not for everyone as hazards are often an issue for other flyers, thus ability to turn on and off. Thanks for your interest!
Waterloo ah, hum.....I'll have to check my schedule for my next trip down your way. Cheers now !
I signed up (I use both Android and Ipad). How long does it take to find out if you are accepted?

Awesome. Thanks for signing up. It's just a matter of time. we're going down the list making sure we give everyone individual attention as they install the app. Sometimes there's a few issues with cross platform differences on Android so once we know that folks with the app right now are all good to go we move to the next batch. Expect an email from us soon! Just so I can check up on your signup, what's you email address ? You can DM it to me.
It shows the difficulty of attempting difficult shots without a program like VS. Thanks for the interest though.

Ah gotit! Yes, the orbits are definitely tough and you've done a great job with it! A little text intro would help :) If you've signed up for the beta we'll contact you shortly !
yeah. What is this video about ? It doesn't seem related to this thread.
Hello, I was attempting to show a video with pretty difficult shots without VS. I think they would be a whole lot better with your program. Signed up but can't seem to post on your forums.
That is strange. I'll have to look into this one for you. I wish we had all the android devices so we could try it out. unfortunately because, unlike any of the other apps, we're decoding the video ourselves and processing it - there might be some video issues on different android devices. (Cross platform woes). Can you try to make sure none of the other apps you mentioned are running in the background ? Also which Phantom 3 do you have ?
hi Neil,

No other apps running that can connect to the phantom.
Nexus 7 2013 running marshmallow
Phantom 3 pro

Luckily i also have a nexus 5 also on marshmallow, running the exact same apps (dji go,litchi)
With the nexus 5 I got the video stream and tracking is possible.
Strange thing is that the nexus 7 is usually the device without problems.
I have another device, but play store is not offering the vertical app to that device to test.
If you need any ideas for NZ send me a message.
Thank you John, We will stay 2 weeks in a house near Queenstown (by and plan to make some daytrips. Arriving at Christchurch Airport we will travel in 2 days to Queenstown, following the east coast, have an overnight near Moeraki Boulders and then turn westward. Tips?
Thanks for signing up and joining the conversation here! That trip sounds incredible and we'll try our best to get you the app before your travels. Please do share the videos you film with us as well :)

Can I ask you - What kinds of shots do you think you would find Vertical Studio most useful with ?
It would be wonderful to be able to focus on (safe) flying knowing the app will keep my camera framed on the object. I was thinking of shooting rowers on the river Amstel near Amsterdam, in competition or preparing them while training. This would be very useful for the trainers/rowers. Uncomparable with shots from a small motorboat. While traveling this 7 weeks I will shoot landscapes and in which people move around, mostly sporting. and editing them into art- and travel videos. I prefer low shots, 1,5 to not more than 5m altitude. It's gonne be awesome!
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Thank you John, We will stay 2 weeks in a house near Queenstown (by and plan to make some daytrips. Arriving at Christchurch Airport we will travel in 2 days to Queenstown, following the east coast, have an overnight near Moeraki Boulders and then turn westward. Tips?
I'll DM you.
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Hey I2 solutions. That's odd. Did you log into the forum ? Sorry for the confusion. Could you try again ? I may have accidentally clicked something and deleted your post. My apologies. Let me know if you're able to post on the forum now. Thanks!
hi Neil,

No other apps running that can connect to the phantom.
Nexus 7 2013 running marshmallow
Phantom 3 pro

Luckily i also have a nexus 5 also on marshmallow, running the exact same apps (dji go,litchi)
With the nexus 5 I got the video stream and tracking is possible.
Strange thing is that the nexus 7 is usually the device without problems.
I have another device, but play store is not offering the vertical app to that device to test.

Yep. We're now aware of the Issue with Nexus 7. thanks a lot ! We're looking into the issue and trying to fix it. The problem is that since we're decoding and processing the video, VS is susceptible to some cross platform issues that we have to individually target and fix. What is the other device you have ? Play store shouldn't restrict downloads for you on any device unless it's older than Android 4.1
It would be wonderful to be able to focus on (safe) flying knowing the app will keep my camera framed on the object. I was thinking of shooting rowers on the river Amstel near Amsterdam, in competition or preparing them while training. This would be very useful for the trainers/rowers. Uncomparable with shots from a small motorboat. While traveling this 7 weeks I will shoot landscapes and in which people move around, mostly sporting. and editing them into art- and travel videos. I prefer low shots, 1,5 to not more than 5m altitude. It's gonne be awesome!
That sounds incredible. Are there any interesting and difficult compound flight and camera movements you might do while filming the rowers ? We might be able to automate some of the harder shots to let you film things smoothly and more importantly - repeatably.
Hey guys,

I submitted my email but have not received anything back with a download link, Not sure if it was sent and my spam folder got it or if it just hasn't been sent out yet?
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