Updated latest firmware, having issues

Jan 22, 2017
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I recently bought a Phantom 3 standard about a month ago. I've became very comfortable flying my drone and getting better each day but recently I updated the latest firmware (not sure which one but the description of the firmware was something about taking away no fly zones at abandoned airports etc) and everyday I fly now, I can't calibrate my compass without doing it at least 4 times until it actually works and once I start flying, it keeps saying there is a string interference detected every 5 secs. This didn't happen at all before I upgraded. Is anyone else having these issue?
I have a Phantom 3 Advanced , had it about 6 months, or less. I updated mine when I first received it but have not updated since as it flies ok, and after reading on here a lot of members do the same thing, "If it aint broke why fix it ".
Regarding the compass problem, again a lot of members do not calibrate compass every time they fly. I had the same trouble as you when I first flew. Went to an open plot and took at least 4 goes to calibrate compass. I then found that I could calibrate outside my house first time every time. Since then I never try to calibrate when I go flying even when it says to. I have never had any problems so far. Every once in a while I calibrate outside my house just as a "Refresh" . Suggest you try to find a spot where you get good results first time and "Adopt" that as your compass "Refresh" place. Hope this is of some help to you, good luck from England.
A "Strong Interference Detected" flag is normal when there are many WiFi signals in the vicinity of your controller. It's basically telling you that you'll not likely get optimal radio range with your Phantom. With my P3S, I'll get that same warning just sitting at my desk in my home. A dual-band WiFi router two or three running laptops, 5 or 6 smartphones and a couple of tablets at any given time, each emitting radio signals throughout my home in the same frequency ranges as my Phantom is sure to cause some strong interference, and so they do. If you're trying to fly in a densely-populated area, the interference will obviously be much worse.

If you weren't getting these warnings before you updated the firmware, I would suggest that the update actually fixed a problem.

As for your issue with failed compass calibration, I had the same problem with my Phantom, three or 4 (or even more) tries to get a successful calibration. After a couple of days of frustration, I came up with a simple fix. Rather than turning the quad what I assumed was 360 degrees, I now go an extra quarter of a turn, essentially 450 (roughly) degrees. Now all of my compass calibration attempts work first time, every time. Give it a shot. Might work for you too.

All the best.
I recently bought a Phantom 3 standard about a month ago. I've became very comfortable flying my drone and getting better each day but recently I updated the latest firmware (not sure which one but the description of the firmware was something about taking away no fly zones at abandoned airports etc) and everyday I fly now, I can't calibrate my compass without doing it at least 4 times until it actually works and once I start flying, it keeps saying there is a string interference detected every 5 secs. This didn't happen at all before I upgraded. Is anyone else having these issue?

I keep getting something similar, and it warns "strong magnetic interference". I'm on a job site so I move about 10 feet away from anything I may be close to and it clears up and gives me the green light. Perhaps check and see if that may be your trouble?

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