To All Aviation Newbies (Part 107 Talk)

Jun 21, 2016
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Ok, So it seems through my reading here and on other forums that most, if not all of the folks who are gearing up to become commercial drone pilot's (Part 107) have some kind of aviation background. Many are already pilot's or training to become one.

I looked over some of the materials and thought what manor of dialect is this written in. :eek: I was lost, and got there pretty quick. :p

I want to hear from those, who like me have no aviation training or background but would like to find a path to successfully becoming a commercial UAS pilot.

1) Have you started, and if so where did you begin?
2) How long do you suspect it's going to take you?
3) Are you finding the material based on information/knowledge that is not studied but required?

I guess I'm just interested in your experiences.
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RJ_Mike I completely understand what sounds to be frustration. Aviation isn't "natural" and the process is not something 99.9% of us have ever been around before. It's not just turn on the aircraft, check the sky and fly.

Unfortunately because these "toy" aircraft are now able to auto fly missions, self stabilize, and fly hundreds (and more) feet into the air we now must integrate into the National Airspace System NAS for their SAFE commercial and hobby use. In order to do this safely you have to jump in head first and learn not only the process but also the lingo. Without the lingo it's all completely foreign and worthless.

When I first started pilot training I remember thinking, "I'll never be able to figure out what they are saying let alone what all those abbreviations mean". Actually once you get immersed into it the whole thing makes a lot of sense.
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If you have a nearby airport you can probably go for a 'ride' at a nominal cost to help 'lift the veil' and see/hear firsthand what's going on. This can really make a difference.
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If you have a nearby airport you can probably go for a 'ride' at a nominal cost to help 'lift the veil' and see/hear firsthand what's going on. This can really make a difference.

Exactly. That's 100% how I got started in aviation. I took the "Discovery Flight" at our local flight school (it was $35 IIRC) and it sparked a fire within me that couldn't be quenched. I was hooked and apparently for life (at least for 25 years now LOL).
For me, very similar.

A neighbor was building a 'kit' plane 30 yrs ago. I would help with riveting and other laborious tasks up-front for [numerous] rides after it was built.
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Unfortunately because these "toy" aircraft are now able to auto fly missions, self stabilize, and fly hundreds (and more) feet into the air we now must integrate into the National Airspace System NAS for their safe commercial AND hobby use.

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Thanks for the responses guys. It sounds like you guys have an interest in flying manned aircraft? I don't have that desire. I'm only interested in aviation as much as it pertains to UAS.

To which I've not found anyone who walked or wants to walk this path to part 107 who is not interested in flying manned aircraft's (no aviation experience or knowledge). Perhaps because it's brand spanking new :) but I would imagine there must be others in my 'shoes'.
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Thanks for the responses guys. It sounds like you guys have an interest in flying manned aircraft? I don't have that desire. I'm only interested in aviation as much as it pertains to UAS.

To which I've not found anyone who walked or wants to walk this path to part 107 who is not interested in flying manned aircraft's (no aviation experience or knowledge). Perhaps because it's brand spanking new :) but I would imagine there must be others in my 'shoes'.
The FAA published "Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge" is a good source of information for beginners in aviation. As a remote pilot of a unmanned aircraft you are in aviation. Read this publication through a couple of times and you will start to get the feel for this wonderful area of interest.
Thanks for the responses guys. It sounds like you guys have an interest in flying manned aircraft? I don't have that desire. I'm only interested in aviation as much as it pertains to UAS.

To which I've not found anyone who walked or wants to walk this path to part 107 who is not interested in flying manned aircraft's (no aviation experience or knowledge). Perhaps because it's brand spanking new :) but I would imagine there must be others in my 'shoes'.

I have no previous experience piloting manned aircraft, nor a burning desire to do so. I have flown in small GA aircraft, however, and was familiar with aviation in general, radio communications, and weather prior to studying for the 107 exam. There was a lot to learn, however.

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