Since I am new to this Drone thing

...I would like to start at an open area which would be one 10 minutes away from my home and free of any flying restrictions. So Saturday may be the virgin flight of the P4 for me weather permitting.

Welcome to the P4 community! I've owned my P4 barely over a month. Good luck on the maiden flight... Use light touches on the sticks to see how your P4 responds and enjoy! As you gain experience, you can adjust the sensitivity of the controls to your preferences.
You mentioned having watched the videos. Excellent start. Next, read through the complete manual, twice. Learn how the P4 will react in any given situation. For example, if you issue a Return To Home, if you are more than 65 feet away, it will go to whatever altitude you have your RTH set to, then come home. HOWEVER, if you are closer than 65 feet away, it will land where ever it happens to be at the time. Not good if you are over water or flying over the side of a cliff, etc.
Also, establish a pre-flight checklist, where you not only do a physical check, but check all of your settings and be sure they are appropriate to this particular flight.
I've seen many posts from people claiming that their drone's "just flew away" when after checking their logs, the drone did exactly what it was instructed to do.
Most important, enjoy!
I wouldn't waste my time on smaller harder to fly drones personally. Highly suggest you get up high above obstructions in an open area and learn to fly orientation like nose in/ out, learn to fly the "front" and get comfortable with the different inputs. The P4 is super easy to learn on and you'll regret going to a lower platform.

That's good advice.
Best deal in a "professional drone" that makes a good first learner, is the Phantom 3 standard, about $400 bucks now, almost all the features you learn transfer to more expensive DJI drones, tons of accessories for it, batteries on sale all the time, and a 2.7K camera which is still basically 4K. Sometimes DJI has them on sale as refurbished
I am about to be a first time drone owner, I bought a DJI Phantom 4 and I am wondering if I should I get an inexpensive drone to learn on? If so what are your recommendations?
Just practice on the 4. We all know you've read the manual 3 times and your first flight will be in an open field with no one else around.
As Eddie VanHalen said during the press conference announcing that David Lee Roth was working with the boys again 'baby steps, baby steps'....
My kid can fly my drone. It's that easy. Way easier than the AR Parrot drone I learned on.

Remember this...
DO NOT fly facing yourself! I bet 90% of first timer accidents are because people start filming themselves at the controls, then look up and try to go left and it goes right! Right into a tree!

Sent from my iPhone using PhantomPilots
Ihad the same problem, so i just flew the P4
Also, learn CSC commands. I did just what I warned about above... It hit a tree and flipped over on the ground and went completely crazy! I ran over to shut it off and couldn't get control over it. Nothing I did stopped the motors.

So I finally managed to yank the matters out! Also doing this to stop it flipping out is a good way to slice your arm open!

Lastly, go slow, take it easy. Don't do what you see on this forum. Do what you know you can manage.

I've had three Phantoms, and after my first wreck I've never wrecked again.

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Unlike myself i have a P4, at the moment i don't bother about the camera, i just practice flying the plane in all directions,sideways at the same time turning so the one can view a subject from 360 degrees, i suppose its like typing, getting your fingers to react yo what your brains want to do, the more you practice the easier it becomes, in time one does it without thinking, like anything else i suppose.
I have a few "inexpensive" quads. Nothing is as easy to fly as the Phantom. Just be careful and take it easy. You'll have to problems with your new Phantom.

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I would agree; I bought a $50 drone and really didn't like it. I stuck with my gut, bought the P3 4K and it's a breeze to fly not to mention, super fun.

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