propellers issu

Jan 3, 2017
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Hello i have trouble with mij phantom standard. If i start up and fly nothing's good everything. But as i land and the propellers are spinning and go up again, then he's going to 1direction and going on his side. when i turned the copter off and put it back on, then he fly's up without trouble. Somebody has the same? or somebody knows what this is???
It seems when i go low trhotle second time that 2 propellers not have the same speed then the others.
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I think if this were my bird acting squirrelly like this, I'd start with the basics. Calibrate the R/C to be sure it is correct. Then (if needed) do a IMU calibration on the bird and then a compass calibration away from all metal or interference issues.

If you upload your flight logs to msinger's site, maybe he can get a clue on what's going on. He's a wizard at figuring out stuff like this. Good luck--keep us posted.
hmmmm ok thanks for your comment. i try this but i have calibrate it one time...and still the same. uploading flight logs i never had done ..
i give it a try uploading this. thanks.

"Hello i have trouble with mij phantom standard. If i start up and fly nothing's good everything. But as i land and the propellers are spinning and go up again, then he's going to 1direction and going on his side. when i turned the copter off and put it back on, then he fly's up without trouble. Somebody has the same? or somebody knows what this is???
It seems when i go low trhotle second time that 2 propellers not have the same speed then the others."

"But as i land and the propellers are spinning and go up again"
Are you landing, touching the ground?
You are then trying to make it go up again?

"then he's going to 1direction and going on his side"
What direction and what side?
Doing this by its self, or you are trying to fly it?

"It seems when i go low trhotle second time that 2 propellers not have the same speed then the others. "
How low is low trhotle?
How low to the ground?
I guess this is the same question are you trying to land it, or hover low and then fly up again?

Are all the props tightened down like they are suppose to be? Seems that I've read something happening like this to another drone pilot and tightening the props alleviated the problem. Just a suggestion....
propellers are good on the phantom there tide and are in balance i try the calibration....can it be when i land and turn up again that i have to Slow upwards? that the props not same speed? mayby i must try with full speed up looks what then happend.
rod...trhotle is verry low...i want to calm up..the drone capside to the left when i go up and ik standing back of the drone

what means yaw? it at 150...i have nothing doing on this this right the 150?
"Yaw" refers to changing the heading of the drone. This is controlled by the "yaw" stick on your controller - it is the left/right motion of the same stick which controls the throttle. If you are looking down on the drone from above, moving that stick to the right turns the front of the drone to the right, while moving that stick to the left turns the front of the drone to the left.

I am wondering if you are maybe moving the throttle stick to the side a little bit when you are pushing it from a low power setting to a higher setting for take-off?

I assume you mean the Yaw Endpoint is set at 150. Someone else will have to answer your question about that - I've not flown the P3S long enough to have learned what those values do.
thanks jthomp for the respons, it May can what u said that i do the left / throttle stick with up and a littelbit to the left . i must test this with a higher throttle so i can see of this is right and then i can correct the drone. Thanks!!!
thanks jthomp for the respons, it May can what u said that i do the left / throttle stick with up and a littelbit to the left . i must test this with a higher throttle so i can see of this is right and then i can correct the drone. Thanks!!!
Play back your flight from the log on your mobile, you can turn on your stick movements I think they should be on as a default, but they are not. :rolleyes:


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