Phantom 4 Pro shed a prop this afternoon

i just read that you replace your props after 10h of flight as part of routine maintenance. is there any recommendation to do so, or did youhad any bad experience with "worn out" props due to running hours, but not by hitting anything?

I flew with same props on my P4's for almost a year without replacing them. Prob 300 flights or more. I would say that 10 hours of flight is a little overkill imo!
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How do you half attached one of these props? They're either on or off. It's not like a screw on prop that could be loose.
Held in a stable hover after a 15 minute flight at about 10' height for about 30 seconds, just waiting for clearance from the club safety guy to let me fly again - two gliders I'd been filming were coming in to land and one prop just parted company with the drone.

No serious damage (one of the little plastic cable covers on the landing gear went missing and a small crack in the lower fuselage and still flies perfectly after a quick calibration.

Weird that it happened where and when it did as I'd been chasing the gliders at speeds around 40mph, there's nothing wrong with the prop and I've done another couple of flights with it since.

Flight log just shows 'Motor Idling (Loose or Missing Propeller)' followed by a sudden loss of altitude.

Slightly confused but this kinda stuff happens I guess :)
Interesting. I lost a
Held in a stable hover after a 15 minute flight at about 10' height for about 30 seconds, just waiting for clearance from the club safety guy to let me fly again - two gliders I'd been filming were coming in to land and one prop just parted company with the drone.

No serious damage (one of the little plastic cable covers on the landing gear went missing and a small crack in the lower fuselage and still flies perfectly after a quick calibration.

Weird that it happened where and when it did as I'd been chasing the gliders at speeds around 40mph, there's nothing wrong with the prop and I've done another couple of flights with it since.

Flight log just shows 'Motor Idling (Loose or Missing Propeller)' followed by a sudden loss of altitude.

Slightly confused but this kinda stuff happens I guess :)
Interesting. I lost a prop mid flight as well. It was on a replacement prop lock that I repaired myself and after about 6 flights or about 1.5hrs. It's scary watching your drone suddenly out of the sky and there's nothing you can do about it; worse 4 seconds of my life. I'm just grateful nobody was hurt and no property was damaged and Amazon asked 0 questions, gave me free one day ship and one extra month prime.
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Your prop springs may be loose. Pull up on the end of the springs with your nail, they should be about 4mm up from the base, when you pull them up to the locking part of the plastic prop mount they should spring back to the right height.
I have never lost a prop, (knock on wood), but I have observed a very small amount of play or movement between the motor and a couple of prop quick connectors, vs two of them that have zero play. I removed one of them, inspected it, reattached it, but the play is still present. I didn't repeat the process for the other one, but I did check all remaining screws.

Could this play, aka slop be the cause for a prop to potentially come off or do all of the mounts have a bit of play?

Best guess for the cause of play is the screws are a fraction too long and perhaps a small trim on on the length wound fix the play.

Sorry for your prop event.
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.. but wouldn't that bug have had to sit on the center of the prop to push it down before "kicking" it back?:confused:


That's the best explanation I can come up with as well. The prop was heavily splattered - far more than the other 3.

It's one of those 'chalk it down to experience' things - I've crashed planes/helis/drones in the past and no doubt will in the future - there's no real lasting damage, the crack in the lower airframe is fixed, all the sensors are working properly and the camera was unscathed. I got off light, Had it happened a few minutes earlier when I flat out was in sport mode at about 300' it would have been a lot worse :)
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Sorry but reading this sure does make me like the screw-ons that the P3s have...
Takes maybe 60 seconds to install AND re-check tightness a second time before flying, and in over 19 hours of flying I have never had any come loose or "wear out" (did damage a couple when learning how NOT to fly though)...
Glad your bird didn't get damaged bad...
I had a prop fly off twice in one day. I always double check that they're locked too. Both times prop came off on takeoff. After first prop flew off, I put a new set of props on. This time, when prop flew off, it flipped the whole P4 off my dock and into the river.

Motors and retainers look fine, but something has to be out of whack on one of the motors. Anyone know if there is a write-up anywhere on checking tolerances or anything? Or do I just replace one/all motors? Don't mean to hi-jack - but my info is relevant to the thread.
no worry about hi-jacking :)

mine has flown faultlessly since the prop came off, using the same set of props in both calm and windy conditions so it remains a mystery to me
please read posts before replying to them

Funny - you replied to my post with the details and then posted that snark above? Someone else perhaps?

I have an idea of what could've happened and I did read through all these posts, I also thought that comment you made was snarky and after seeing you treat people that are trying to help you that way I wouldn't offer my advice to andy_k!
You started a post asking for peoples opinions and for help and you're going to bark at them because you have to answer a question twice, you're a funny guy
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I have an idea of what could've happened and I did read through all these posts, I also thought that comment you made was snarky and after seeing you treat people that are trying to help you that way I wouldn't offer my advice to andy_k!
You started a post asking for peoples opinions and for help and you're going to bark at them because you have to answer a question twice, you're a funny guy

You're a bit late to the thread. andy_k made a booboo in who asked what. That was all sorted out days ago and didn't need to be revisited for any reason.
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You're a bit late to the thread. andy_k made a booboo in who asked what. That was all sorted out days ago and didn't need to be revisited for any reason.

Notwithstanding that it was apparently directed at the wrong person, the comment suggests that someone coming to this thread should have magically known that there was a prior thread that had already discussed the issue. And instead of just pointing that out, Andy_k's response would have been to chastise the person for their lack of clairvoyance. Poor form.
Notwithstanding that it was apparently directed at the wrong person, the comment suggests that someone coming to this thread should have magically known that there was a prior thread that had already discussed the issue. And instead of just pointing that out, Andy_k's response would have been to chastise the person for their lack of clairvoyance. Poor form.

errrm, no it doesn't suggest anything of the sort but thanks as well for your stunning contribution - you must be very proud of yourself.
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Notwithstanding that it was apparently directed at the wrong person, the comment suggests that someone coming to this thread should have magically known that there was a prior thread that had already discussed the issue. And instead of just pointing that out, Andy_k's response would have been to chastise the person for their lack of clairvoyance. Poor form.

No. Same thread. Not sure why dirtybum and you are even reviving it. Dead stuff, wot. Let it lie.
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