Phantom 4 batteries

Dec 11, 2020
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I just received 4 used P4P batteries and they were all low charged, as I would expect. I charged them all last night but one of them did not accept a charge. When I plugged it in, the poser button lit and then LED 1 flashed 12 times then went out. A minute later the lights did the same thing. Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
Probably they may not have been stored correctly.
Not uncommon. Any information from the seller?
Private seller or eBay?
I had the same on one of mine, usually a sign that it has gone too low, beyond hibernation and you cannot recover it. I bought one from e bay, alleged to be brand new, but the date stamp on it was 30 months old, and I could NOT get it out of hibernation, and had to return it to the seller
I have had 2 batteries go into eternal hibernation. There are many potential fixes posted out on YouTube but none of them worked for me. Finally gave up on trying to repair them and assumed they were toast.

Seems like DJI should be able to make a firmware change to keep this from happening. But in the meantime, it seems like the only thing we can do to keep this from happening is staying on top of it and keeping the batteries charges. Seems like this just adds additional unnecessary cycles to the battery though.
I have had 2 batteries go into eternal hibernation. There are many potential fixes posted out on YouTube but none of them worked for me. Finally gave up on trying to repair them and assumed they were toast.

Seems like DJI should be able to make a firmware change to keep this from happening. But in the meantime, it seems like the only thing we can do to keep this from happening is staying on top of it and keeping the batteries charges. Seems like this just adds additional unnecessary cycles to the battery though.
Why would they do that when they can just charge you to purchase a new one at full price.

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