P3 Firmware Phantom 3 Standard just beeping also has red light in front of gimbal

Mar 28, 2020
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Hey guys I have a phantom 3 standard I tried updating the firmware and it just beeps now. After some reading I believe that there was an error updating. I tried a few times I dont know what to do. Ive attached a pic showing the firmware. Could someone walk me through step by step what to do. I tried
Take the SD card out and plug it into your computer and clear out the files on your SD card then put the new firmware on it and let it update.
That is one of the ways I update my firmware on my phantom 3
Take the SD card out and plug it into your computer and clear out the files on your SD card then put the new firmware on it and let it update.
That is one of the ways I update my firmware on my phantom 3
I tried that multiple times...the light in front of the gimbal flashes red and green for a while then solid red. could you tell me which version I should be trying to put on ?
Is that what version is displaying in yours? Here is a video that may help you. Um you can mute the music lol

The procedure is always the same in such case. You will find it in multiple threads from many years.
Even how the conversation progresses is mostly the same:

1. Get the log from SD-card.
2. Not that one, the correct log.
3. Yes the log is there. It is not possible for it to not be there.
4. Share the log.
5. You only shared part of it. Share the log again without cropping, the most recent info is at the bottom of the log.
6. Someone will look at the log and tell you which chip requires manual flashing.
7. Since you have no idea how to do manual flashing, you will replace the whole board with that chip.
(unless you can't do that as well, then you will sell the Phantom and buy a Mavic)

There are only single cases which diverge from that route.

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