Phantom 3 Standard 5.8 Signal Strength

Jul 26, 2017
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Irvine (Orange County) CA
So my Wi-Fi apps will see and measure the 2.4 wi-fi emmitting from my radio controller, but not the 5.8.

Is the 5.8 signal not a true wi-fi? If not, what device would I need to measure the signal?
You made two threads in the P3A/P forum of the other site with this same question. But you don't have a P3A/P? You have a P3S?

The 5.8 signal coming from your controller is not a wifi signal.

My understanding is that to adequately gauge radio signal strength requires very expensive equipment and is generally not worthwhile. The easiest, cheapest, and best way may be to simply fly your AC out and back.

Here's a thread on it: Measure controller signal strength?
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You made two threads in the P3A/P forum of the other site with this same question. But you don't have a P3A/P? You have a P3S?

The 5.8 signal coming from your controller is not a wifi signal.

My understanding is that to adequately gauge radio signal strength requires very expensive equipment and is generally not worthwhile. The easiest, cheapest, and best way may be to simply fly your AC out and back.

Here's a thread on it: Measure controller signal strength?

Sorry about the duplicate threads on the "other" forum. I posted once but couldn't find it so I posted again. That site is not as user friendly as this one. And I cannot find a way to delete either post.

So yea, that's what I'm learning. The 5.8 isn't really wi-fi. I just wanted to compare my Itelite DBS signal to my stock. Encountered a couple of RTH lately with the DBS at just 350 feet. Thinking my connection might be bad but the signal strength on the UAV/Airdata web site says 100% the whole way. I'm thinking most likely just interference.
Hi ...

You probably found my reply over there a bit 'curt' ... no disrespect intended - but so many over there just post anywhere and then it all gets messy with idiots posting solutions that are irrelevant to the version OP has.
There are three guys in particular over there that as soon as my name pops up - they have a go ... regardless of what content. Its as if they have my name on 'speed-dial' !! Their loss not mine ...

You will find this website much better and far more able to answer questions without DJI filtering. You have to note that DJI own and run the other - so any item that counters DJI policy / sales of gear ... gets censored. There are also the few that seem to think that 'pandering' to DJI will get them 'Gold Stars' ... so welcome to PhantomPilots - a much better place.

Your question :
I tried ages to find any way to gauge signal strength of 5.8Ghz control signal. I found a utility - but the DJI signal is completely different and utility couldn't read it. 5.8Ghz is often used, such as locally to me, for industrial link across a Port / Town or complex. It is a second set for WiFi but like 2.4 can have many different formats. Friend and I had to shut down a 5.8 signal as it interfered with a Port Office !
Even the 2.4Ghz between AC and RC was not reliable with WiFi detector ... as its not strictly same as normal WiFi ...
The only signal I could reliably measure was the 2.4Ghz between RC and Tablet as that is based on WiFi similar to domestic. NOTE : Similar - as it refuses to allow more than one connection.

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Encountered a couple of RTH lately with the DBS at just 350 feet. Thinking my connection might be bad but the signal strength on the UAV/Airdata web site says 100% the whole way. I'm thinking most likely just interference.

It seems you have intermittent range issues... so even if you find a way to measure the RC 5.8GHz signal, what are you going to do with that number? Unless you find a way to measure and log the Tx power over the entire flight, and see if the signal unexpectedly drops at some point (triggering the RTH), getting a single measurement is pretty useless.

You mention you have a DBS... are you sure the connections inside the RC are solid?
You ran into range problems only twice... was that in the same place?
Have you tried going somewhere remote to do a range-test?
I think we have all had the 'blues' with control and video signal in various locations etc. I know with my P3S and even with the P3P ... I can fly exact same run next day or so and have totally different signal results.

When I had the P3S still flying - landing in a river tends to shorten its life ! --- I tested many FW / Go / Litchi combo's with stock antenna, then Argtek and finally boosted power (5kms both 5.8 and 2.4) ... it would take a session of runs to average out results. Of course when DJI decided to block reversing upgrade of FW and locking us into any FW we updated to ... my testing stopped.
But the main item I noted was the inconsistency of signal even over same flight path.

And that even though the P3A and P3P are greater range than the P3S ... they are not immune to their own signal faults at times !

Its as if they have my name on 'speed-dial' !!
It's quite the opposite for me. Your name is one that I have on speed read. Whenever I see a post of yours, I always try to read it since I've found you to be very knowledgeable and willing to share your experience. Thanks for that. Nigel, you are appreciated sir! :)
Thank You Sir !

I know I'm a bit of a berk at times and I do egg them on at times ..... shame to not have some fun !!

But - we are all still learning - some tend to forget that over there !

It seems you have intermittent range issues... so even if you find a way to measure the RC 5.8GHz signal, what are you going to do with that number? Unless you find a way to measure and log the Tx power over the entire flight, and see if the signal unexpectedly drops at some point (triggering the RTH), getting a single measurement is pretty useless.

You mention you have a DBS... are you sure the connections inside the RC are solid?
You ran into range problems only twice... was that in the same place?
Have you tried going somewhere remote to do a range-test?

I'm confident the video connections are solid. I set the thing on the ground in my back yard and took the RC for a walk across the street. Never dropped, even through the walls of my house. But then these little mishaps started. 3 different locations. Then again, it's gone out further than that without any issues in 2 of those locations. These are all very wide open fields. The TX power report on UAV/Airdata was 100% the whole time. It's like I just got booted off the air!

Going back out this weekend to try again. I'll test with a different tablet and a different controller without the DBS.
Hi ...

You probably found my reply over there a bit 'curt' ... no disrespect intended - but so many over there just post anywhere and then it all gets messy with idiots posting solutions that are irrelevant to the version OP has.
There are three guys in particular over there that as soon as my name pops up - they have a go ... regardless of what content. Its as if they have my name on 'speed-dial' !! Their loss not mine ...

You will find this website much better and far more able to answer questions without DJI filtering. You have to note that DJI own and run the other - so any item that counters DJI policy / sales of gear ... gets censored. There are also the few that seem to think that 'pandering' to DJI will get them 'Gold Stars' ... so welcome to PhantomPilots - a much better place.

Your question :
I tried ages to find any way to gauge signal strength of 5.8Ghz control signal. I found a utility - but the DJI signal is completely different and utility couldn't read it. 5.8Ghz is often used, such as locally to me, for industrial link across a Port / Town or complex. It is a second set for WiFi but like 2.4 can have many different formats. Friend and I had to shut down a 5.8 signal as it interfered with a Port Office !
Even the 2.4Ghz between AC and RC was not reliable with WiFi detector ... as its not strictly same as normal WiFi ...
The only signal I could reliably measure was the 2.4Ghz between RC and Tablet as that is based on WiFi similar to domestic. NOTE : Similar - as it refuses to allow more than one connection.

No harm done. That was my first post over there. I clicked on P3S thread followed by New Thread. It wasn't clear at all where I was posting. Went back later to see if I had any replies and no post. Thought I did something wrong so I posted again. Now I can't delete either one! There's no option.

I'm going to just keep flying and see what happens.
You might want to ask the OP of this thread: P3S HUGE DISSAPPOINTMENT
I personally find it a useless exercise as only DJI knows exactly what/when/how to measure, everybody else is just guessing.
Thank you. I did read these all the way through. No big deal.

The guy from Drone Valley has a video YouTube running tests on his wind surfer using an EMF meter. They have these on apps for Android but they are designed to help people look for ghosts. I don't think so, and an entry-level EMF meter is around $150. But in his video he did demonstrate the difference with and without his wind surfer attached to his controller.
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I'm confident the video connections are solid. I set the thing on the ground in my back yard and took the RC for a walk across the street. Never dropped, even through the walls of my house. ....
I tried an experiment like that once. I was trying to mimic what happens when I fly to the edge of range. Pointed the controller (w/ dbs amped) in the opposite direction. Walked 200 feet away and to the other side of my house. 5 bars. Placed cookie sheets around the AC. 5 bars. Put the AC inside the house. 5 bars. Put the AC down in the cellar. 5 bars. Very irritating. Signal finally dropped out when I put the AC in the clothes dryer.
I'm confident the video connections are solid.

Maybe you just mis-typed, but when I mentioned the "connections inside the RC" I was talking about the physical connections between the DBS and the RC, in particular the 5.8GHz little connector on the RC board.
Maybe you just mis-typed, but when I mentioned the "connections inside the RC" I was talking about the physical connections between the DBS and the RC, in particular the 5.8GHz little connector on the RC board.
No it's OK. I understood what you meant. I mentioned the wi-fi connections because I can tell the Wi-Fi is solid and I can't imagine the 5.8 wire was lose. It snapped into the place same as the others, then covered in glue. My first time out with the DBS went flawlessly out 500 feet before I lost sight and brought it back. I don't know for sure, but doubt it would have gone that far on a lose connection. I also took a look "under the hood" again last night and everything looks good. And just to be sure, I'm going to re-check my connection on the S2 switch in the unlikely chance a lose connection is triggering the RTH. Again, it's not happening on every flight so I'm thinking it's just bad luck with some kind of interference.
You made two threads in the P3A/P forum of the other site with this same question. But you don't have a P3A/P? You have a P3S?

The 5.8 signal coming from your controller is not a wifi signal.

My understanding is that to adequately gauge radio signal strength requires very expensive equipment and is generally not worthwhile. The easiest, cheapest, and best way may be to simply fly your AC out and back.

Here's a thread on it: Measure controller signal strength?
Yes! Have oem PS3 got a mile out. Add DBS. Made it out 2.7 miles. Yes! You can not see 5.8 on the wifi app. Do as this guy says, fly it. Love to send the PS3 out!!
Thanks everyone who weighed in on this. I got the idea from Drone Valley YouTube video where he puts his Wind Surfer up against an EMF meter. Clearly made a difference in signal strength. I wanted to give that a try with my DBS but was hoping for a cheapie solution. And there is NONE!

Oh well, my stock controller is acting up same as the DBS under identical conditions so I'm confident I'm just running into interference, And there IS and app for that. I'm adding that to my pre-flight check list

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