Phantom 2 erratic flying........

Mar 20, 2015
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Haven't flown my Phantom 2 in probably 2 months. Went out today to fly it, started up fine, calibarated the compass, got my green lights and lifted off to about 10 feet. The Phantom will not hover and takes off slowly above towards me. It seems like I have no control over it but upon attempting to bring it down it crashes about 20 yards behind me. It almost seems to me like the controller is not functioning properly. I don't know, I'm new at this and have never had this problem before. I'm afraid to take it any higher than 10 feet, afraid I'll have a fly away. Even though I have the green lights that it's ready, it seems to be flying on it's own. I have the controller in GPS mode on switch 2. Anybody have any suggestions as to what the problem could be. Thanks for helping this newbie out!
It needs the IMU calibration doing, it's in the software, best perform an advanced IMU calibration. Make sure the quad is on a level surface, I put a large sheet of glass over the 4 motors and use a spirit level to make sure it's level, any unevenness and I use playing cards to get the quad level.

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Thank you sir! I watched a youtube video on how to do that and you were right, according to the software it needed to be done. I'll will go out and give it a test flight later this afternoon and let you know the results. Thanks again :)
Can anyone help? I have IMU and calibrated the controller. When I launch my Phantom 2 vision Plus I get green lights to confirm ready to fly. When I take of and hover at about 6 ft it starts to go up an down by about 2 feet. It looks like two of the motors are trying harder than the others. Have re calibrated many times and can seem to sort out this issue. Do I need to delete the software and re install? I have not used the unit for about 9 months and it has been stored in a case which is kept the Quad vertical. Have been trying for about a week with no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Surge Windsor England.
Bobbing up and down suggests the barometer inside the naza has an issue. Hard to diagnose without another naza unit , slight up and down is acceptable though, can you upload a video of it ?

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