P4P/P4P2.0 - Extreme Shooting Situation...Not Too Shabby

Jul 20, 2019
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First of all, I'm a photographer by trade and use my P4P2.0 as a flying camera. I have been using Nikon pro bodies since 2002 and recently stuck my toe in the Fuji pool. I did put the camera/sensor under an extreme situation which would be extreme for any camera because of the lighting situation. I underexposed to save the lettering of the building name in the center. The auto exposure would have blown out the building name completely. Shot at 400 ISO. I was impressed at the gimble stability at 1/20 sec (and slower shutter speeds). I was also impressed with the latitude in bringing out the shadow detail without resorting to hdr. I really do hate hdr and the artificial looks it gives an image. I can spot when this technique is used by anyone instantly. The bottom line is that the 20x30 in print of this scene did not come out too shabby.
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Like your HDR Ethos (and your equipment ... ala Fujifilm) and your shot ... yeah love that Hasselblad 1" sensor does an amazing job. Just can't work out why that lens performs as well as it does though.
But only in the right hands ... nice shot.you get the creds butit's good ti have the right tools.
Nice job where it's easy to get too much noise.

One suggestion I might have is to go into Photoshop's RAW Filter and use the 'Transform Tool' to straighten up your verticals. It will give it that final "Professional" touch. It's a subtle change but it will make it look nicer. In the old days we used do it directly in our 4x5 film cameras using tilt and shift. But now days, it's easy to do digitally.

Good job though. Thanks for sharing it.


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