P3S makes unplanned descent during mission - now lost

At this point I would not expect anything from DJI. I may not have a chance this evening to look farther but before you go scouring the forest, look at the last known GPS location on Google Earth. Since the aircraft was descending straight down with no forward motion at that point, you may get an exact location.
Here is the last transmission according to your flight data.

At this point I would not expect anything from DJI. I may not have a chance this evening to look farther but before you go scouring the forest, look at the last known GPS location on Google Earth. Since the aircraft was descending straight down with no forward motion at that point, you may get an exact location.

Thanks for the tip. I did just that. I knocked on a few doors, and looked through the bushes around the 2 final GPS locations (even though they were both at 65+ feet). It's that weird final blip (after 13 seconds of nothing) a couple hundred feet SW that inclines me to hit the woods. In my search, I did come across a neighbor that has a P3, and he is willing to help me scout the tree tops. Whether we find it or not - I owe him!
When you lost Signal, the bird was coming straight down. Speed was at 0. The last signal you had and what was odd that it stopped right there, was at 67feet and 11mph, which is 16ft per second, roughly. I think and I only think this because judging from that last data point, and assuming a GPS accuracy of 50 ft. I think you hit the side of that house at the last telemetry point. There is nothing else there that is that high. And it instantly stopped transmitting. That's just a WAG. I could be wrong of coarse. Just really don't understand why the data stream stopped immediately upon signal restoration, other than an instantaneous impact.
When you lost Signal, the bird was coming straight down. Speed was at 0. The last signal you had and what was odd that it stopped right there, was at 67feet and 11mph, which is 16ft per second, roughly. I think and I only think this because judging from that last data point, and assuming a GPS accuracy of 50 ft. I think you hit the side of that house at the last telemetry point. There is nothing else there that is that high. And it instantly stopped transmitting. That's just a WAG. I could be wrong of coarse. Just really don't understand why the data stream stopped immediately upon signal restoration, other than an instantaneous impact.
That's a good point about the GPS accuracy. I was taking it too literally, and assumed that it must have flown over any houses. I'm going to re-focus my search today in a wider radius around those two points like what you highlighted on the map. Thanks!!
Battery could have popped out on impact.
I agree, but it is just so very odd that the last line in the data file shows signal restored, then nothing after that. So, the only conclusion is that the last transmission was 1/10 of a second before impact. It appears that way anyhow.
I was just thinking and not 100% sure, but I have this question. You said you were Using DJI Go for this flight, correct? Not being that familiar with the P3S, but it uses the same app as all the P3's. The only way to do waypoints is to fly them first, correct? At least that is how it works on Andriod, although I almost exclusively use Litchi. That being the case, it gets even more confusing. Let me know if you find the bird and post video if you have it. I did a 3D render of your flight, but basically with the same results.
I was just thinking and not 100% sure, but I have this question. You said you were Using DJI Go for this flight, correct? Not being that familiar with the P3S, but it uses the same app as all the P3's. The only way to do waypoints is to fly them first, correct? At least that is how it works on Andriod, although I almost exclusively use Litchi. That being the case, it gets even more confusing. Let me know if you find the bird and post video if you have it. I did a 3D render of your flight, but basically with the same results.
Yes, the waypoints were manually added by actually flying to each location.

Also, I went back again last night and scoured the area. Searched the bushes around the foundation of that house (with owner's blessing). Saw no damage to the house. Nothing on the roof. Searched in the woods adjacent to the house. Did a sweep of a radius of 50+ feet around that last location. Nothing. The odd thing is that there just isn't that much in that area to hide a crashed drone. I guess it's possible someone just picked it up, but I hate to be that cynical.
I get the humor, but that's in really bad taste for someone who just lost a $500 piece of hardware.

It's a little soon, but for me, that's ok. I tend to see the humor in most situations like this, even though it's still very tender. I can't justify buying a new one, but I was really enjoying flying.
I get the humor, but that's in really bad taste for someone who just lost a $500 piece of hardware.

By the way I apologize if a fellow drone pilot who lost his drone took my video the wrong way... I haven't intended to make a joke about his situation because I fly drones as well and it's more than just money when you lose a drone... I remember the first time, I lost video and RC signal at the same time. It took my Phantom 3S about 8 minutes to RTH and I was about to have heart attack waiting for it. My hearth was beating so fast my hands started to shake. Not because of losing money...because of losing this pleasure of flying with that thing...

I wish our fellow drone pilot would be able to find his drone... his situation is another reason why I don't trust the apps for waypoints and planned missions. If a drone crash is in your destiny, it should at least crash because of you...not a stupid app.

I wish I could help our friend here and go find his drone but it isn't possible... Fortunately the other guys here are doing amazing with solutions and suggestions that might actually help our friend to find his drone...

My best regards to all fellow drone owners here...

PS: I apologize for my language in my previous post about the guy in the video... but I couldn't resist since I know a xxxxxxxxxxxx when I see one...
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Yes, the waypoints were manually added by actually flying to each location.

Also, I went back again last night and scoured the area. Searched the bushes around the foundation of that house (with owner's blessing). Saw no damage to the house. Nothing on the roof. Searched in the woods adjacent to the house. Did a sweep of a radius of 50+ feet around that last location. Nothing. The odd thing is that there just isn't that much in that area to hide a crashed drone. I guess it's possible someone just picked it up, but I hate to be that cynical.
I agree, that area is fairly open, from that map I added the details on I could only assume that from that last transmission and the altitude given that the direction it was travelling had not changed from the final data point. So If it did not strike anything, lets assume it was on the same path and at relatively the same altitude. Im going to do another calculation with those numbers and put up another map. Check back in later, and let me know if you have looked in the area I come up with. My guess is probably, but just let me know.
I agree, that area is fairly open, from that map I added the details on I could only assume that from that last transmission and the altitude given that the direction it was travelling had not changed from the final data point. So If it did not strike anything, lets assume it was on the same path and at relatively the same altitude. Im going to do another calculation with those numbers and put up another map. Check back in later, and let me know if you have looked in the area I come up with. My guess is probably, but just let me know.
Again: I really appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this. For better or worse, I am keeping my hopes up.
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Ok, after looking at some more numbers, and again this is only a WAG with really only 2 useable data points to go by. One can only go on the assumption that from the point of signal loss until restoration at that last data point for ony 100ms., that the bird continued on the same path, at the same speed and at the same rate of descent from the point of signal loss. Over the distance from signal loss to restoration, the bird only descended approximately 2 feet between those two points. So using that as part of the WAG and the speed indicated of 16ft/sec, this map shows where the bird "should" be within the yellow circle, giving GPS accuarcy and the previous assumptions. Being that it was at 67ft at the last data point ( give or take for Barometer error), I highly suspect it hit something in this area, that is of coarse if all assumptions are accurate. If it remained at that altitude or continued to descend, there is no way it would clear those trees, and possibly that other house in the yellow circle. The red line is just a 300 ft marker for reference. If you do not locate the bird in this area, then either as you mentioned, someone picked it up, or you have a flyway to who knows where. Also, you may want to re-post again with a different thread, and ask for Data Analysis and have another take a look just to double check. If you do, post the flight log along with it. And no problem helping out if I can.
Capture6 copy.jpg
Yes, the waypoints were manually added by actually flying to each location.

Also, I went back again last night and scoured the area. Searched the bushes around the foundation of that house (with owner's blessing). Saw no damage to the house. Nothing on the roof. Searched in the woods adjacent to the house. Did a sweep of a radius of 50+ feet around that last location. Nothing. The odd thing is that there just isn't that much in that area to hide a crashed drone. I guess it's possible someone just picked it up, but I hate to be that cynical.
Hope you had some kind of ID on your bird. I DO. Everyone should just in case someone should find it you might get it back.
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Ok, after looking at some more numbers, and again this is only a WAG with really only 2 useable data points to go by. One can only go on the assumption that from the point of signal loss until restoration at that last data point for ony 100ms., that the bird continued on the same path, at the same speed and at the same rate of descent from the point of signal loss. Over the distance from signal loss to restoration, the bird only descended approximately 2 feet between those two points. So using that as part of the WAG and the speed indicated of 16ft/sec, this map shows where the bird "should" be within the yellow circle, giving GPS accuarcy and the previous assumptions. Being that it was at 67ft at the last data point ( give or take for Barometer error), I highly suspect it hit something in this area, that is of coarse if all assumptions are accurate. If it remained at that altitude or continued to descend, there is no way it would clear those trees, and possibly that other house in the yellow circle. The red line is just a 300 ft marker for reference. If you do not locate the bird in this area, then either as you mentioned, someone picked it up, or you have a flyway to who knows where. Also, you may want to re-post again with a different thread, and ask for Data Analysis and have another take a look just to double check. If you do, post the flight log along with it. And no problem helping out if I can. View attachment 83896

I agree with what you are saying, and have spent a fair bit of time along that red line you proposed. I will expand my search given the margin of error you indicated. Thinking "out loud": Circling back to what you pointed out earlier - if it was still in flight after that last data point, why was I not receiving telemetry any more? That's rhetorical, of course. Just trying to tease out some sort of sequence of events that makes sense.

Not sure if I mentioned this, but P2 on the waypoint path was right along that red line, but closer to the street beyond the trees (again at around 150 feet altitude)

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