Man convicted in drone crash that injures woman...

The car - Chinese toy flying camera comparisons are apples - oranges.

People go to jail and face criminal fines as well as civil judgements from auto accidents which can render them bankrupt.
The car - Chinese toy flying camera comparisons are apples - oranges.

People go to jail and face criminal fines as well as civil judgements from auto accidents which can render them bankrupt.

Sure they CAN, but most accidents (and let's acknowledge that despite poor judgement, this flight into a building, and the resulting injuries were likely not intentional) that result in the kinds of injuries sustained in this article DON'T result in criminal charges. Civil, sure, but ambulance chasing attorneys want their payday.

Speaking of which, with FL now opening drone operators to privacy violation liability if they happen to catch a glimpse of a neighbor's property (FS 934.50), attorneys are already lining up to help 'victims' sue for privacy invasion:

No accident is intentional by definition.

The Florida law... Not concerned.

Been flying for 3 decades and camera equipped aircraft for the last one

No accident is intentional by definition.

The Florida law... Not concerned.

Been flying for 3 decades and camera equipped aircraft for the last one


Not to drift too far OT, but I would caution you to be aware that times are changing. If you fly in your neighborhood, or somewhere where your cameras can capture private property, you should be concerned. At a minimum, do not publicly post any such images or videos that might show private property.

I fly regularly in my neighborhood - not over anyone's property - but certainly close enough to capture private property. Recently, my in my neighborhood form, someone posted "I've been seeing a drone flying around the neighborhood. If they capture my property and I find out who it is, I will sue them. It is illegal in FL because of FL statute 934.50". That was the first time I'd heard about it. I'm sure the law is unconstitutional, but it doesn't change the fact that anti-drone neighbors will use any tool they can find to go after you.

Anyway, point is, stories like this only add fuel to the fire. Yet, no matter what rule or reg comes of it, it won't stop stupid. It only punishes the rest of us responsible fliers.
Not to drift too far OT, but I would caution you to be aware that times are changing. If you fly in your neighborhood, or somewhere where your cameras can capture private property, you should be concerned. At a minimum, do not publicly post any such images or videos that might show private property.

I fly regularly in my neighborhood - not over anyone's property - but certainly close enough to capture private property. Recently, my in my neighborhood form, someone posted "I've been seeing a drone flying around the neighborhood. If they capture my property and I find out who it is, I will sue them. It is illegal in FL because of FL statute 934.50". That was the first time I'd heard about it. I'm sure the law is unconstitutional, but it doesn't change the fact that anti-drone neighbors will use any tool they can find to go after you.

Anyway, point is, stories like this only add fuel to the fire. Yet, no matter what rule or reg comes of it, it won't stop stupid. It only punishes the rest of us responsible fliers.
Even tho Google has been "violating" the same privacy for years now with their satellite imagery and people don't come undone to this degree.
You'll need to find someone else to debate these legal issues as I am not qualified and have seen and read enough of them here already. Typically ending in threads locked.

Just like I don't worry about DUI laws this one is of no concern to me either.
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You guys seriously need to quit watching the news!

You sound like a bunch of paranoid people waiting to get busted. The news is propaganda fueled by the government. It's all hog wash.

Any of these "drone laws" being made up by the state need to be approved by the FAA. The FAA is all ready pretty clear about the guidelines.

I just find the comments funny because 95% of my flying is done over private property (which I'm shoting commercially) with out the owners consent. I don't understand the privacy thing at all! It's simply an excuse due to the lack of control! Read that last sentence again and think about it.


Look closely :)
Sure they CAN, but most accidents (and let's acknowledge that despite poor judgement, this flight into a building, and the resulting injuries were likely not intentional) that result in the kinds of injuries sustained in this article DON'T result in criminal charges. Civil, sure, but ambulance chasing attorneys want their payday.

Speaking of which, with FL now opening drone operators to privacy violation liability if they happen to catch a glimpse of a neighbor's property (FS 934.50), attorneys are already lining up to help 'victims' sue for privacy invasion:

View attachment 74063
If this is the case then why is Google not being sued for Invasion of Privacy due to Google Earth and Street View? I know GE doesn't zoom in as close as a drone can get, but still. Ga tried passing a similar law that basically said if you are shooting a house for a Real Estate listing and you even get a partial pic of the neighbors house you could be charged with invasion of privacy! Ridiculous! That got shot down real quick! Next thing you know they will be blacking out windows on planes during take offs and landings because someone may be filming with a cell phone and accidentally capture someone in their backyard cooking out!
You guys seriously need to quit watching the news!

You sound like a bunch of paranoid people waiting to get busted. The news is propaganda fueled by the government. It's all hog wash.

Any of these "drone laws" being made up by the state need to be approved by the FAA. The FAA is all ready pretty clear about the guidelines.

I just find the comments funny because 95% of my flying is done over private property (which I'm shoting commercially) with out the owners consent. I don't understand the privacy thing at all! It's simply an excuse due to the lack of control! Read that last sentence again and think about it.

View attachment 74069

Look closely :)
Actually the states and local governments can pass whatever laws they want without the approval of the FAA. They do it all the time, not just with FAA but over federal agencies.
If this is the case then why is Google not being sued for Invasion of Privacy due to Google Earth and Street View? I know GE doesn't zoom in as close as a drone can get, but still. Ga tried passing a similar law that basically said if you are shooting a house for a Real Estate listing and you even get a partial pic of the neighbors house you could be charged with invasion of privacy! Ridiculous! That got shot down real quick! Next thing you know they will be blacking out windows on planes during take offs and landings because someone may be filming with a cell phone and accidentally capture someone in their backyard cooking out!

The FL statute is explicit, and covers 'drones'. Manned aircraft, and presumably space-based equipment, are not covered by the statute. Laws that deal with privacy have always been exclusively technology-neutral. For some reason, the Florida legislature felt that 'drones' needed their own set of rules. I think that specificity is what will ultimately be its downfall if challenged.

If it's an invasion of privacy for me to fly 50' above my property, aim my MP over towards my neighbor's swimming pool, why is it not if I take a 50' pole and attach a Go Pro to it? Or, if I'm on the roof of my house with a camera, why is that not an invasion? Or if I'm in a hot-air balloon? The fallacy is that it's only an invasion of privacy if it happens on a drone. Thus proving this is anti-drone, not pro-privacy.
Anyone can do anything they want. Humans are great at throwing things at a wall to see if it sticks.

I suggest you and everyone who hasn't, read this:
If a state, county or city wants to make more strict laws against drones then they can and will. It's already happening in a lot of places. The selling of Marijuana is a federal crime, but yet several "States" have made it legal to sell and consume it. Just saying.
You didn't read it did you?

Actually the Feds are accepting the new marijuana laws. You have any idea much money they're getting ready get? Anywhoo that's a whole new ball of wax.

States can and will, I agree. What I don't agree with is enforcing these "laws". How can someone or a state for that matter, attempt to govern, control, or police an area they have no rights to? Do you honestly think the "law" makers or the governor in Florida has any idea what controlled airspace is? If someone or a state doesn't know the laws, how can they make such a law?

Please read the link I posted as this will give you a better understanding of how and why, better than I can.
You didn't read it did you?

Actually the Feds are accepting the new marijuana laws. You have any idea much money they're getting ready get? Anywhoo that's a whole new ball of wax.

States can and will, I agree. What I don't agree with is enforcing these "laws". How can someone or a state for that matter, attempt to govern, control, or police an area they have no rights to? Do you honestly think the "law" makers or the governor in Florida has any idea what controlled airspace is? If someone or a state doesn't know the laws, how can they make such a law?

Please read the link I posted as this will give you a better understanding of how and why, better than I can.
And that's the problem! They are making and actually enforcing laws they have no idea about! They should leave it to the FAA to handle these things but a lot of Counties and cities are making there on ordinances and enforcing them with fines etc! Some states are trying to as well. Ga tried passing a bunch of crap in the form of HB 779
We all know how some places think they are above the federal government such as SF with it's we are a "Sanctuary City" crap!
A bit off topic, but did anyone else get an email from DJI for a "Enter a contest to win a P4?"

I got one last week and it was a questionnaire about legal and legislation matters, have I heard about them, and have I ever contacted or written to legislator regarding drone issues, and would I participate in being an activist for doing so? Etc. Very odd four page questionnaire, but it struck me that DJI may be worried about future legislation affecting their sales in USA.
A bit off topic, but did anyone else get an email from DJI for a "Enter a contest to win a P4?"

I got one last week and it was a questionnaire about legal and legislation matters, have I heard about them, and have I ever contacted or written to legislator regarding drone issues, and would I participate in being an activist for doing so? Etc. Very odd four page questionnaire, but it struck me that DJI may be worried about future legislation affecting their sales in USA.
I got one too. I can't imagine any local "Policy" that would actually say, Sure! go ahead and fly where ever you want and when ever you want, These things are great! lets learn how we can use this tech in a good way, If some one does something stupid, we will deal with them on a case by case basis. Instead.... I can see local "Policy" saying hell no! we don't want you spying on us and crashing into our stuff , so Hell no! Ban 'em
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I got one too. I can't imagine any local "Policy" that would actually say, Sure! go ahead and fly where ever you want and when ever you want, These things are great! lets learn how we can use this tech in a good way, If some one does something stupid, we will deal with them on a case by case basis. Instead.... I can see local "Policy" saying hell no! we don't want you spying on us and crashing into our stuff , so Hell no! Ban 'em

That's what I'm afraid of. They'll get into privacy, trespassing, and "My building is trademarked and you pay me $10K to photograph it" as with what recently happened to one legal commercial shoot in Hollywood that had permits, just the guy didn't like it and went pursing the trademark and property release stuff in addition to permit process. Soon any drone activity within city limits may be banned and the entire city turned into a red NFZ short of getting some commercial permit like in LA along with a monitor. Five miles from city limits may be next.

I need to go after my neighbor too for all their surveillance cameras pointed at my back yard too if this stuff keeps going. Ban surveillance cameras too as my privacy has been violated too! ;)
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I hate to say it but... if you are doing something foolish and you injure another person as a result, shouldn't you be held responsible? Harassment of responsible drone operation is a bad thing, but if you screw up then you aren't immune either.

Or maybe you are just pointing out that irresponsible operation hurts us all, in which case... yes.
That's what I'm afraid of. They'll get into privacy, trespassing, and "My building is trademarked and you pay me $10K to photograph it" as with what recently happened to one legal commercial shoot in Hollywood that had permits, just the guy didn't like it and went pursing the trademark and property release stuff in addition to permit process. Soon any drone activity within city limits may be banned and the entire city turned into a red NFZ short of getting some commercial permit like in LA along with a monitor. Five miles from city limits may be next.

I need to go after my neighbor too for all their surveillance cameras pointed at my yard too if this stuff keeps going. Ban surveillance cameras too as my privacy has been violated too! ;)
If your neighbors' cameras are pointed in/at your windows or over your fence you should. Otherwise your point is moot. Your exposed yard or other publicly viewable spaces are just that.
Seems like DJI and others will become more involved at the hardware level like more geofencing. Get your Phantom 5 plus pro now with 50 new sensors to make sure you cannot fly anywhere but the desert. That's a bad attitude I know, maybe all the new will wear off and the "knee jerk" reactions will settle in. Or maybe a new, scarier bit of tech will come along and make everybody forget about flying cameras.

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