I want a longer focal length lens .

Nov 23, 2018
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Has anyone modified the camera on a P4P or added some sort of good quality accessory that will provide a longer focal length? The standard 24mm equivalent lens is too wide for things I want to do. I want to do some imaging with a 50mm or even something around 70 or 80mm equivalent.
I want to do some imaging with a 50mm or even something around 70 or 80mm equivalent.
Should have purchased an Inspire. Not that I know of. The lens is fixed.
Has anyone modified the camera on a P4P or added some sort of good quality accessory that will provide a longer focal length? The standard 24mm equivalent lens is too wide for things I want to do. I want to do some imaging with a 50mm or even something around 70 or 80mm equivalent.
You're out of luck with current Phantoms.
Apart from very expensive larger drones, you'd be looking at the Mavic 2 zoom or hoping DJI bring out the P5 sometime soon (but they don't seem to be in any rush).
I was thinking something like the add on 'telephoto' adapters that were popular for a while with p&s cameras. Not sure how I would mount it. If I had one in my hands, I could test it by holding it in front of the lens manually (not in flight) and then I could fabricate an adapter in my machine shop.
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I was thinking something like the add on 'telephoto' adapters that were popular for a while with p&s cameras.
The lenses are crap. Not worth even attempting. You will lose more than you will gain.
I was thinking something like the add on 'telephoto' adapters that were popular for a while with p&s cameras. Not sure how I would mount it. If I had one in my hands, I could test it by holding it in front of the lens manually (not in flight) and then I could fabricate an adapter in my machine shop.
Even if you could get an add-on lens that was optically acceptable, you'd have problems with the gimbal having to manage the extra unbalanced weight.
In addition to the optical and weight issues mentioned you may also find that the image stabilisation would prove unsatisfactory. Increasing the focal length would provide that any movement would need to be corrected with greater precision.

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