How do you like this idea for SOUND in your videos?

Nov 17, 2013
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I was not disappointed when I found out the PV doesn't have a microphone. Whirring props are hardly a compelling soundtrack.

But what about this option? And it could be done with a software modification, no hardware needed: The ability to record audio into the mic on your iPhone? You could narrate your flight "Ok, this is 300 feet up. The tall building directly in front of me is the Bank of America building. This stream is usually only 4 inches deep. This parking lot is 800 feet long at this point." Etc. Etc.

I would really like that feature. What do you think?
I don't know if I'd actually use that audio in my videos, since I don't like to hear my own voice. :)

But, I think it would still be a useful option for making audio notes that couple be used to, for example, add captions or annotations to videos.

It would also be cool if you could also, optionally, record the video and telemetry on the phone.

You could probably start a second app on the phone to do what you suggest and/or to record the video and telemetry. But, it seems like something that could be added to the software.

-- Roger
Oh ... I'm not sure if it's what you were thinking and I doubt that the hardware supports it (and there certainly would be a problem with synchronization), but ... it would be really cool if the audio picked up by the phone could be recorded on the camera's video. Wi-Fi works both directions, after all!

-- Roger

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