Hi from Queensland Australia

Jun 29, 2017
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Toowoomba , Queensland, Australia v
I'm a complete newby to the world of drones and even any other forms of RC "toys!"

Just bought a factory refurbished P3S and took it (her?) for my first flights which went like a dream. Been watching all the YouTube videos possible.

Everyone keeps asking me what I am going to do with it!!! It's the same question I was asked when I bought my first computer in 1981

Would love to meet up with other droners (???) who may be in or around Toowoomba where I live and work?

What are we called? Droners? Pilots? Drone pilots? Drone flyers? Drone hobbyists? Please enlighten me!

I'm sure I'll have heaps of questions in due course.

Now I'm just waiting for my battery to fully charge. So that I can go out again - I am waiting for two 2 spare batteries that I have ordered

I'm thinking of getting a small inverter so that I can charge them in my car. Any thoughts on this?


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Hi Wayne,
I've got a Ps3 4k and I'm learning to do some 360 shots and, of course, to fly the drone better (only about 10 flights so far!)
It would be great to get some SE Qld drone pilots together. I've flown a couple of times with these guys - very helpful and friendly Brisbane Aerial Drone Photography & Videography
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Hi Lance,
I too have been scouring the web for info! I am at the other end of the country from you but have just today ordered my p3s and can't wait to get it (her).
Good luck with your flying!
I hope to meet others near Melbourne in the near future.

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Welcome to the forum .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching .:)
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It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Phantom Pilots forum.
I hope that you will be able to use the forum to further your safety knowledge and for the exchange of innovative ideas and as a resource for current developments in DJI quadcopter’s.
Hi m8. Newbie here as well from Mackay. P4P in the hanger here. Trying to get my head around video editing atm. I hope you enjoy the forum as there's a lot of very experienced and talented people on here !! I see we're getting quite a following from the Qld people. Safe flying. Cheers.
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Hi guys, glad to hear from everyone.
Here's a question for you P3S owners - what range are you able to fly? I can, at best, only manage about 300m and that's with ARGTEK antenna system!!
Hi dinky,
Not sure tbh! I freak out when I lose sight of the drone so keep it pretty close.
I need to fly more to get my confidence up I think!
Hey man, welcome here, i am sure you would ans of your each query here. There are many experts are here, btw i am also new.

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