H3-2D creating jello, motors off

Apr 30, 2015
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I'm getting some vibration in my footage, even when the copter is sitting still with the motors off. Strangely, it seems that the vibration is not noticeable when the gimbal/camera is facing straight down. Camera is GoPro Hero 3+ black on a first gen DJI Phantom, and I've tried multiple frame rates/resolutions, with no obvious correlation between the camera settings and the observed jello effect.
That is impossible. The gimbal has to shaking in order to have jello in the video even if the motors are not running. A simple test would be to remove the camera from the gimbal set it on a table and turn it on. Then tell me you have jello.

Have you anything attached to the camera lens that could cause an imbalance to the gimbal? Or have you had a crash which damaged the gimbal?
I use this GoPro all the time in many other applications, and I never see the jello effect. I can hear the gimbal making a very slight but persistent noise after the battery is inserted into the phantom. There is nothing attached to the GoPro, other than the included mounting bracket to hold the camera in place. The gimbal operates normally otherwise, but I'm telling you, with the copter motors OFF, and everything sitting perfectly still, the footage is showing a very noticeable jello effect throughout the entire frame. I will try to upload a clip of this later tonight.
I use this GoPro all the time in many other applications, and I never see the jello effect. I can hear the gimbal making a very slight but persistent noise after the battery is inserted into the phantom. There is nothing attached to the GoPro, other than the included mounting bracket to hold the camera in place. The gimbal operates normally otherwise, but I'm telling you, with the copter motors OFF, and everything sitting perfectly still, the footage is showing a very noticeable jello effect throughout the entire frame. I will try to upload a clip of this later tonight.

I have the same gimbal and camera mounted as you. The gimbal should not make any sound whatsoever once the battery has been powered on and after camera locks in position. But you have not answered my last question. Have you ever crashed the quad and damaged the gimbal?
Ah sorry about that. Yes the phantom has fallen out of the sky, according to the previous owner. It does have new Tiger motors and new props, along with a new master controller. I had taken some footage a couple of weeks ago and the footage looked jello free. It just started showing the jello effect last week.
The gimbal does not show any physical damange, and otherwise functions normally
The previous owner is a close friend of mine, he's telling me the gimbal was not installed before the crash, and it has never crashed with the gimbal attached
I found a post from a guy flying a Phantom with a Tarot gimbal, almost exactly the same issue:

Keep in mind the Tarot was not design for the Phantom so what ever problems ti has are not related to the zenmuse. To truthful gimbal motors just do not start making noises and causing jello without some sort of damage. I have the same setup as you have had several crashes with damage to both gimbal and brackets but not the problem you're having. The horizontal leveling motor is more than likely causing the jello and I don't think a reset will help. At this point I would call DJI service center and see they will take in for repair.
Check your PM as you might want to check something I seen today while online.
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You my need to adjust the motors with the Tarot gimbal software. Too much gain on the motors, and they will shake. even though everything else is perfectly still.
Thank you for the tips. I'll post here again if I can find a solution.

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