great idea---f550 phantom

Feb 15, 2014
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i was thinking about building a f550, but using all the phantom parts so i would be able to get the same function as the ipad app ground station and camera...essentially transplanting the phantom to a bigger frame..

what if you took the f550 frame, took the phantom flight controller all the inner working boards, and mounted on the frame? even using the 3 axis gimbals and camera ....??? you would have a more stable craft..granted the batteries would be different then phantom 2, but having the ipad app, the ground station, and the ability to still use the camera and app may be worth looking into...the only reason i was thinking about this is because i have sooo much stuff in the basement...truthfully i like the style of the phantom...i wish they made a bigger size!! just my thoughts for the day....
I guess you would end up with a 550 that may want to disappear into the great blue yonder instead of a phantom??
lol haters gonna hate. I've actually wondered that myself propwashed... the flight computer is basically the same, there's obviously connections there for more rotors, I've occasionally wondered how hard it would be to port a Phantom over to a hex platform... would the firmware take a ****? could you just load alternate firmware and poof, it works?
Not being sure which Phantom you have- check that in your Naza assistant the option to configure as a hexcopter is there.

I seem to recall that some versions will not have this option,
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I've pondered the ideal over the last few months. My purpose was to open up the body to allow the components a better ability to keep cool. Worst case (hopefully) is that you'll have to buy a new Naza that could be programmed to the new frame, the phantom's naza unit appears to be set for its body's configuration. QVY's suggestion of a alternate firmware maybe all that's required...great idea!

FWIW, DJI appears to be phasing out the Flame Wheel series. The series are not being promoted off their website as of the last two weeks. So if your considering that platform you may need to act quickly. Otherwise, there are similar frames on the market that should work equally as well...if not better.

I'd be interested if you pursue this endeavor.
I had a f450 flame wheel and it handled much better than the phantom. Just seem so much more stable. But that was without all the phantom firmware restrictions.
It is easy to transplant the Phantom 1 parts to an F450 or F550 frame. The NAZA controller works fine with a hexcopter. I believe the Phantom 2 NAZA flight controller requires the smart battery, so that might be an issue. You might get a NAZA lite FC and upgrade it to V2.
Be aware that the 450 and 550 frames are quite a bit heavier than the Phantom which will affect performance and flight time.

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