Got the cops called on me this morning!

Interesting post about guy waiting for couple to leave and then flying. Next couple after he takes off makes comment.

1. I applaud the pilots patience to wait and be respectful of the couple there before him.
2. I am saddened by the arriving couples lack of appreciating the fact THEY were after the take-off and were the 'intruder' in this meeting.

I am a person who will try not to create situation or confrontation - but in that circumstance - I think i would have answered that a) I was in the air before they arrived, b) in approx xx minutes I will be finished anyway, c) said that I was making video of the location for others to enjoy and know of its existence.

We all know the guy will not back down - he's created a confrontation and he will do all he can to stand tall in front of his 'lady' and not admit mistake. So how to proceed ?

So far in over 50 years of model flying I have never had to argue my case for flying. Never had anyone tell me to stop flying. I have flown over beaches, harbours, town parks, residential areas etc. But I always try to fly high over any area that might bring about confrontation ...

[Drone pilots are like misunderstood pit bulls. Everyone assumes we're all bad.]

Sorry but I cannot agree with using Pit Bull in this context having witnessed first hand the consequences of a number of PB's as 'family pets' - something they are just not bred or 'designed' for. There is good reason they are restricted ownership in many countries.

The original quote was "misunderstood pitbulls" which is dead on the money. Some facts.
There were ZERO recorded incidents with pitbulls before 1980. It was when idiots began fighting them or using as bait dogs.
They used to be called "The Nanny Dog" due to their sweet disposition and loving nature towards children.
The AKC recommends NOT to get pitbulls as guard dogs because they're "too friendly with strangers".
I was raised around bully breeds and my current rescue is a pitty mix - no finer dog on the planet and I've had more than a few.
That's the media at work. First it was Dobermans. Then German Shepherds. The media has a history of making threats out of very little.

Of course Media sensationalise anything ... but tell the Kennel Clubs / Associations that Pit Bulls are family pets and you'll get a long list of proven info that will put that one to bed.
There is good reason why Pit Bulls are banned in many countries / importation / breeding strictly controlled.

Of course Media sensationalise anything ... but tell the Kennel Clubs / Associations that Pit Bulls are family pets and you'll get a long list of proven info that will put that one to bed.
There is good reason why Pit Bulls are banned in many countries / importation / breeding strictly controlled.

Thanks to media hype.
Try these on for size as far as kennel clubs recommendations
AKC recommended dogs for children - note the bull terrier in the list

Here's a description of American Stafforshire Terrier
"The American Staffordshire Terrier, known to their fans as AmStaffs, are smart, confident, good-natured companions. Their courage is proverbial. A responsibly bred, well-socialized AmStaff is a loyal, trustworthy friend to the end."
So maybe you need to find the real facts. Breed specific legislation is always a bad idea borne of ignorance.
I'd love to go to Canada to see some of the magnificent landscape but I'm not going without my buddy.
Yes actually I did know that ... I was in the UK's Kennel Club when I lived there ... I used to have thoroughbred German Shepherd / Alsatians.
It was common for those 'not in the knowledge' to assume the GS would have more incidents than Lab's. What they did not appreciate was that the Lab would lose its 'cool' quicker than most other breeds. But a Lab will not continue its attack .. it bites and backs off. The GS will warn you and move away.. it will do that a number of times until point that it will bite. Most incidents with GS are actually caused by the person and the GS is defending itself.

But the Pit Bull and similar 'fighting breeds' are only lower on the list because of the very limited number in households. If they were in similar numbers as GS / Labs - i am sure they would be top of the list ... because it will not back off .. it goes for the kill, as so many children have found out when left with one.


False. Currently, about 20% of US household dogs fall under the umbrella term "Pitbull" (APBT, Staffordshire, etc.).

Don't mistake me for someone trying to convince you are wrong though. If you were actually concerned with statistics and science you wouldn't have made the comments that you did in the first place. I'm only interested in intellectual debate based on facts, not a battle of opinions. Do carry on with your ignorance.

Of course Media sensationalise anything ... but tell the Kennel Clubs / Associations that Pit Bulls are family pets and you'll get a long list of proven info that will put that one to bed.
There is good reason why Pit Bulls are banned in many countries / importation / breeding strictly controlled.


False again.

This is straight from the UKC, who indicates that viciousness is uncharacteristic of the breed.

The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. Because most APBTs exhibit some level of dog aggression and because of its powerful physique, the APBT requires an owner who will carefully socialize and obedience train the dog. The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work.

Disqualifications: Viciousness or extreme shyness.

Breed Standards : American Pit Bull Terrier | United Kennel Club (UKC)
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Apologies to Drone Pilots ....

The argument about the Pit Bull Terriers and associated breeds has gone on for many years. It took on serious consequences in UK especially after horrific events. One in particular where parents left their young child with Grandmother. After in court - Grandmother claimed that the child had been left with this PBT before and all was well.
The Grandmother was prosecuted and found guilty.

The child was literally torn to bits. They say that the child probably lived for substantial part of the time the PBT was tearing at child.

The Grandmother was in another room drinking with her 'companion' having closed the door.

It is not the only event that caused UK Govt to take action against the PBT and associated 'Fighting Breeds'.

Of course the Pit Bull Terrier, which is a breed in its own right, is not the only breed to have history. But its savagery once it acts is proven and documented.... even video'd.
Second that a dog or any animal acts based on how its treated / brought up by owners - accepted. Trouble is the number of unsuitable owners has been shown and is a contributory factor to rules in UK and other countries.

I have been a Dog Owner all my life. I **** myself as one of the reasonable and decent owners who regards my animals as part of the family. But there are certain breeds I am wary of because of personal experience.

A recent loss in my home of one dog - part Kavkaski Avchaka, a large breed from steppes of Russia that is used to kill Bears and Wolves. It has a fearsome reputation and a true KA - only the owner will ever approach.

So it people want to claim I am ignorant ... carry on ... makes no odds to me.

Me - I have now only 2 of our 4 dogs left ... Sherry (Doberman / Alsation cross), Lana (mostly Alsation with ?? mix).

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Got up early this morning to get a little bit of time over South Beach before the rains come, changing a battery and this guy comes up and says I couldn’t fly in public places ( how many of us has heard that before), I told that I could and offered to show him what I was doing, not happening! Told me he has video of me and the cops were on the way! I stayed and waited, cops came and asked me did I have a license and I showed it to them, they’re told me Happy Father’s Day and kept on going!
good one and good response from the po pos. where is south beach is that the one in miami? it turned out good for you but this hole incident is why its not as fun to fly anymore like it was a couple years back.
Drone pilots are like misunderstood pit bulls. Everyone assumes we're all bad.
count me as one who assumes pit bulls are all bad. i am scared s***less by them and avoid them at all cost. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as far as im concerned.
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Ok gang... you're more than welcome to start a NEW thread in the Off Topic section for the dog discussion but let's not derail this thread any further. PLEASE!

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I have had the police called on me 2 times now. Once in Galveston, TX and once in Pasadena, TX, both time the police were very polite, interested in drones and had lots of questions. Both times now I ended up giving a demonstration to the Police in general Technology of the drones and their capabilities. I now consult the police departments and one has purchased 4 phantoms the other 3. We are working on using the drones for other police activities and FAA waversto allow for the testing and eventual use of what we are trying to implement.

I have flown in Galveston before,curious to know where you were flying to have cops called,were you on the seawall?
Hold on a minute. Here in the USA were not required to have a licence to hobby fly in public right?
That is correct, We do not need a license to fly as a hobbyist in the U.S.A. We do, however, need to register our drone to fly them.
I look upon it like this :

Do unto others and as you wish others to yourself.

If you are with your family enjoying a day on the beach - in the park ... do you really want a camera videoing you / surroundings ? Especially if low and the noise the Quads make ? You go for a nice day out and you have that overhead ....

I fly my P3P and other Quads in many locations ... some with .. some without people .... but I still uphold that view ... do not INTRUDE on others .... regardless of whether lawful or not. To me its common decency.

Too often I think common decency is ignored in todays society. Too many backseat lawyers and know-it alls. There would be no need for extended debate if people just acted decently with respect for others.

Hey Nigel, I like your comment about people acting decent... My wife and I live by the ONE COMMANDMENT which is "Don't Be An [Language Remove by Moderator]!"
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The issue is the attitude of some bystanders. I arrived at a beautiful natural scene that I wanted to film with my drone. It was early. A single couple was there ... enjoying the beauty, the peace and the quiet. I waited respectfully for about 20 minutes and they left. Being alone at last, I launched my drone. 3 minutes later another couple parked their car near mine. The male, upon walking past me said "that drone is really noisy". I casually said ... "not to bad". The couple walked to the edge of the mountain trail to admire the beautiful valley before them. The male comes back to say he was trying to be nice, but he felt he should have told me more directly to bring down my drone so as not to disturb his commune with nature. To avoid conflict, and mostly because I felt it was a little too windy to fly, I brought my drone down. I regretted not challenging his ethic of not sharing, not having patience, not respecting others and not taking turns in the same way I honored the couple that preceded me to this view. Fortunately most bystanders are more curious, less intolerant, and less oriented to thinking they are the center of the universal and everything should revolve around them.

Kudos for waiting for a couple to leave and fly when you were alone.

I had a similar situation, it was a Friday and after a stressing week of work I planned to go flying in a spot that usually is calm and nobody is there (it was like 400m x 300m of grass in the middle of the woods), except that on that particular Friday there was a couple, apparently making out.

I thought "****, I came all the way here and because 2 people are already here I should give up? It's a public space and they don't own it, if I want I can also stay here, and about privacy I'll lift the drone and not point it in their direction, so there shouldn't be any problem".

So, after a few minutes the guy came to me he said he doesn't like to be filmed. I told him that I'm not filming him (and I showed him on the screen where I was filming). He said "I don't care, I don't like it and if you don't stop I'll call the cops". I also didn't want trouble and I told him that he was bullshitting me anyway and if he wanted to call them, he could go ahead and do it, but I also told him he can just suck it it for a few more minutes till I'm done and we are all happy".

He was an arrogant piece of **** he also threatened he'd smash my drone. I told him if he does that then I'd call the police on him...

Long story short, he killed my mood and anyway it was a bit windy so instead of making a big drama I really told him that I don't care about spying on him and that for me filming the city is much more interesting.

Some people really think the universe goes around them.

Funny that in 'Murica people dare to film a drone pilot, call the cops and use that as "evidence". In Switzerland, if somebody would dare to film (or take my photo) me without my consent, I can call the cops on them, because if I don't want to be filmed it's an invasion of my privacy and the person filming me without my consent can be in big trouble, also a cop would not even check the video as evidence, that would be valid eventually if there is a violent crime and only in tribunal.

If on the other hand I film somebody with my drone, I have the same privacy problem. That's why when I know I'm not filming any person, but film nature, architecture etc. or film from far away and people can't be recognized in the video, I can basically tell them to f*ck off and if they want to call the police they can do it, but they will just lose their and my time.

If somebody would call the police on me, personally I'd not stay there and wait, if I have other things to do I go on my way. If you like spending time with cops, go ahead, but if you are not doing anything wrong, I don't see why you should waste your time first of all waiting and then explaining everything you did because some idiot ******* called the cops. Then he should explain the cops what he think he saw etc, not the drone pilot. This is not a suggestion, just my personal opinion.

I think that as drone pilot sometimes you need to enforce your rights. Just because a drone makes a bit of noise and is annoying doesn't mean we should always stop when somebody asks us to stop.

Do the smokers stop when they smoke near you, when you ask it?
Do people stop eating junk food near you, if it smells and you don't like it?
Do people stop their music if it's too loud and bothering you?
The list can go on and on...
Yes you can disturb some people. Other people disturb other people too, but sometimes they should live and let live, you can't just ask everybody to stop what they do because it's annoying you.
....cops came and asked me did I have a license and I showed it to them, they’re told me Happy Father’s Day and kept on going!

License? What license are you referring to? FAA registration? Last time I looked, local cops have nothing to do with whether or not you are FAA registered. I was not aware I need a license of any kind when flying my quad.

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