Good video signal at 3,5 km distance. Unexpected even with Magic Power.

Mar 10, 2016
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I flew an autonomous Litchi mission today with a 7 km mission. Longest distance from home point 3,5 km.
I expected to loose the signal after max 1,5 km since I have applied Magic Power signal boost. I am in CE and used to get about 1 km (even though the Standard is only rated 500m in CE). This is far out in the countryside with zero interference.
But to my surprise I never lost the signal, even at 3,5 km distance. Video wasn’t even choppy.
The bird was flying high up a mountain side.
So the altitude relative to take off point was 400m. Altitude above ground was approximately 100m.
Temperature was -3C.
Very happy that my old bird still can positively surprise me these days.
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I use litchi with my P4P to fly search patterns over outback Australia. The outleg is 2kms, then 90 degree left for 200 metres and 90 degrees left for 2 kms. Then RTH. Takes about 17 minutes travelling at 15 kmh and 30 m altitude. I have the camera angled to see under trees a bit better. This has worked well with people acting as targets. Have not lost video at any time. I can move the single mission to where it is useful. I would like to know if anyone else out there is involved in search and rescue. I have yet to use the drone for the real thing and frankly, hope I don't need to, but hey, that's why I bought it and practise regularly. Cheers
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Hey that’s a good use of your time, skill and equipment! Ham Radio operators here in the USA prepare for severe weather by practicing spotting storms and running networks to report to the National Weather Service. Do any others in your area practice like you do? Should you ever get to actually locate someone you can produce some much needed publicity for drone pilots!

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