Fixing flash in DM365 chip within Ph3 Pro gimbal

thank you very much for your help, I managed to restore the program version V01.03.0020 from version V01.01.0008
on the output I got 2 files on sdcard:
==========1970.01.01 00:00:10==========
Packet: /mnt/usb/P3X_FW_V01.03.0020.bin,
Upgrading ...
Result: Success

[ 10.473970] RC upgrade log:
[ 18.69817 ] start upgrade 13
[ 38.553018] success

It was an exciting quest ...X)

P.S. I checked the connection on Sony Xperia XA, DJI GO immediately started up when we connected usb.
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Hi fellow pilots! I am new to this forum, however we seem to share a common problem ;)
I own two p3p with no live feed issue. One is totally silent when connected to dm365 uart, in boot mode it displays BOOTME. During a flash procedure DM365 returns sth like
"Target: NAND_open() failed!Starting UART Boot...
Target: BOOTUBL"
which makes me confident NAND module is permanently damaged. As advised by quaddamage (btw. you are very sharp guy, and great tribute to you :) ) I ordered several NAND chips from aliexpress.

The second one responded in UART connection about a problem with finding rlevant image to boot from. This one I've just successfuly flashed. Image transmition is back and it is not 8FPS like it was mentioned for some cases in current thread.

Does 8FPS issue happens only after a NAND replacement and when a bootloader is written from scratch? Quaddamage, you mentioned that the keys are stored in apropriate firmwares, but a firmware upgrade/downgrade does not seem to solve this issue? If I can anyhow contribute to this problem solution I am willing to help.

I also have a gimbal topboard where DM365 seems to be fine, but ambarella does not cooperate, I will try to play around a bit with it - it might be useful for finding a solution for malfunctioning ambarella chip.
I'll keep you posted.

Does 8FPS issue happens only after a NAND replacement and when a bootloader is written from scratch?

The issue never happens when only bootloader needs to be written. Only people who completely reflashed the NAND - including writing UbiFS and secret partition - reported this issue.

Quaddamage, you mentioned that the keys are stored in apropriate firmwares, but a firmware upgrade/downgrade does not seem to solve this issue?

For more complex CPUs, firmware update rarely includes whole firmware. Firmware updates for DaVinci do not store whole root file system (UbiFS), only a few files which are extracted there.

If I can anyhow contribute to this problem solution I am willing to help.

Well, replace the NAND and see whether you run into the issue. The "" has now a capability of checking whether encryption keys on a gimbal are all consistent - check it.

I also have a gimbal topboard where DM365 seems to be fine, but ambarella does not cooperate, I will try to play around a bit with it - it might be useful for finding a solution for malfunctioning ambarella chip.

That would be awesome - many people have issues with Ambarella. Anything you figure out about it will be beneficial.
Hats off to you for having both the patience and abilities to have learned and done all this! This is great info:)
Time for a final act of the story.

The wiki was recently updated with downloads of all firmware partitions for the Gimbal Top board:
Flashing firmware on DaVinci media processors · mefistotelis/phantom-firmware-tools Wiki · GitHub

Well, to be exact, all besides the partitions which are part of every firmware update. But these can be easily extracted from any of the firmware updates:
./ -vvv -x -p P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin
openssl des3 -d -k Dji123456 -in P3X_FW_V01.07.0060_m0800.bin  -out P3X_FW_V01.07.0060_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
tar -zxf P3X_FW_V01.07.0060_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
After the files are extracted, dji/data/uImage file can be just flashed directly as primary kernel, and u-boot partitions need one more operation:
dd if=dji/data/u-boot.img of=u-boot_prop.img bs=2048 skip=1
dd if=dji/data/ubl_297m_1.img of=ubl_297m_1_prop.img bs=2048 skip=1

So the commands above, plus the downloads from wiki, gave me the complete set of partitions:
- two u-boot images (u-boot_prop.img and ubl_297m_1_prop.img)
- primary kernel (uImage)
- recovery kernel (uImage_recovery)
- secret partition (dm365_secret.bin)
- root filesystem (dm365_root_ubifs.ubi)

I wrote all the images as instructed on the wiki. Only root filesystem is a bit tricky - it is written in a different way than other images, and also it is the largest image. Not too large though - transferring it over serial shouldn't take more than 2 hours (I was able to use USB, so the transfer was very fast).

On the USB - while mine was working, it looks like only on some boards the USB is easy to start. If it doesn't want to work, it is better to just use serial - the root filesystem image is small enough to fit on ramdisk while the recovery system is started (the wiki describes how to prepare a recovery system).

After everything has been flashed, the board started restarting continously due to no connection to OFDM board:
DM36x initialization passed!
UBL Product Vesion : DJI-297M-UBL-1.0-rc0(2015-10-30)
Dji UBL Version: 1.51(Nov  2 2015 - 15:45:39)
Booting Catalog Boot Loader
BootMode = NAND
Starting NAND Copy...
Valid magicnum, 0xA1ACED66, found in block 0x00000019.
Jumping to entry point at 0x81080000.

U-Boot Product Vesion : DJI-ENC-Uboot-1.0-rc0(2015-11-02)
U-Boot 2010.12-rc2-svn3205-Dji (Nov 02 2015 - 19:07:26)
Cores: ARM 297 MHz
DDR:   270 MHz
I2C:   ready
DRAM:  128 MiB
NAND:  128 MiB
MMC:   davinci: 0
Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

Net:   Ethernet PHY: GENERIC @ 0xff
Press ESC to abort autoboot in 1 seconds

Loading from nand0, offset 0x4a0000
** Unknown image type
Wrong Image Format for bootm command
ERROR: can't get kernel image!

Loading from nand0, offset 0x900000
   Image Name:   Linux-
   Created:      2015-03-30   9:54:39 UTC
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    4032832 Bytes = 3.8 MiB
   Load Address: 80008000
   Entry Point:  80008000
## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 80700000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux-
   Created:      2015-03-30   9:54:39 UTC
   Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
   Data Size:    4032832 Bytes = 3.8 MiB
   Load Address: 80008000
   Entry Point:  80008000
   Loading Kernel Image ... OK

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Kernel Product Vesion : DJI-NOHDMI-WM610-Kernel-1.0-rc6(2015-03-30)
[    0.000000] Linux version (root@dji) (gcc version 4.3.3 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2009q1-203) ) #16 PREEMPT Mon Mar 30 17:54:38 HKT 2015
[    0.000000] CPU: ARM926EJ-S [41069265] revision 5 (ARMv5TEJ), cr=00053177
[    0.000000] CPU: VIVT data cache, VIVT instruction cache
[    0.000000] Machine: DaVinci DM36x EVM
[    0.000000] Memory policy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback
[    0.000000] DaVinci dm36x_rev1.2 variant 0x8
[    7.650000] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb_68013
[    7.680000] usb 68013 module init ok
sulogin: no password entry for root
login[453]: root login on 'ttyS0'

#Process /etc/profile...

encode_usb V00.02.02.00(Nov  3 2015 11:23:52).
Entry Encrypt qury mode
Init libusb  faild!
Auto to detect v[   10.050000] EVM: switch to ambarella video input
ideo input type:
Default video input selected:Hdmi_yuv
Setting video standard to: 0x100000000000000
Capture input set to Hdmi[   10.060000] davinci_resizer davinci_resizer.2: RSZ_G_CONFIG:0:1:124
[   10.070000] davinci_previewer davinci_previewer.2: ipipe_set_preview_config
[   10.080000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: IPIPE Chained
[   10.080000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: Resizer present
Capture videoStd[   10.090000] EVM: switch to ambarella video input
[   10.090000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: width = 1280, height = 720, bpp = 1
[   10.100000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: adjusted width = 1280, height = 720, bpp = 1, bytesperline = 1280, sizeimage = 1382400
[   10.110000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: width = 1280, height = 720, bpp = 1
[   10.120000] vpfe-capture vpfe-capture: adjusted width = 1280, height = 720, bpp = 1, bytesperline = 1280, sizeimage = 1382400
videoFrameRate=30000, width=1280, height=720
Venc1.c : minNumOutBufs 2, minOutBufSize[0] 1382400, minOutBufSize[1] 800
GOP interval:30, outBufSize:1382400, enAdpBW:1, airRate=0, slice=6, VUI=4,timeScale=60001
osdThrFxn: process ID is 458 ***********
watchdog timeout:5
ctrlThrFxn: process ID is 450 ***********
Frmae:1 Pslice = 0, Islice = 8[44ms]
GetFPGAstatus err!
hdmi status is 1
usblink status check~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GetFPGAstatus err!!
No USB device ID:547
try reset 68013....!
ARM Load: 61% Video fps: 4 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps PHY Bandwidth: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:02 Resolution: 1280x720

GetFPGAstatus err!
hdmi status is 1
ARM Load: 2% Video fps: 0 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps PHY Bandwidth: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:04 Resolution: 1280x720

GetFPGAstatus err!
hdmi status is 1
usblink status check~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GetFPGAstatus err!!
No USB device ID:547
try reset 68013....!
ARM Load: 5% Video fps: 3 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps PHY Bandwidth: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:05 Resolution: 1280x720

GetFPGAstatus err!
hdmi status is 1
usblink status check~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GetFPGAstatus err!!
No USB device ID:547
try reset 68013....!
ARM Load: 9% Video fps: 7 fps Video bit rate: 0 kbps PHY Bandwidth: 0 kbps Time: 00:00:07 Resolution: 1280x720

umount: can't remount none read-only
umount: mdev busy - remounted read-only

The system is going down NOW!

Sent SIGTERM to all processes

Sent SIGKILL to all processes

Requesting system reboot

I reassembled the gimbal, tested it, and (after two more partial re-assemblies due to my mistakes) - everything started working.
FPV video on tablet is restored.

UPDATE - Regarding 8 FPS FPV after NAND replace:

A few people contacted me about an issue which happens after replacing the NAND chip in the way I described. The issue is that live feed on the mobile device is choppy - works only at 8 frames per second.

The issue was diagnosed as related to SHA204 chip which provides encryption capabilities. The chip is generally unused, but when encryption mismatch is detected, it re-tries the encryption tests over and over, consuming big chunk of processing power.

Recently a tool was published which can be used to modify DM365 firmware and remove re-tries mechanism, bringing FPV back to full rate. The tool is here:
dji-firmware-tools - dm3xx_encode_usb_hardcoder
excellent contribution quadd, how do I practice this? inserting a command line on davinvi side? Or is there a charge for a modified binary? I'll thank you very much if you can clear it a bit, thanks!
excellent contribution quadd, how do I practice this? inserting a command line on davinvi side? Or is there a charge for a modified binary?

No charge, the tool is published. Just use it.

For how - I didn't tried that yet. This is all I've got:

openssl des3 -d -k Dji123456 -in P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800.bin  -out P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
tar -zxf P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
cp ./dji/bin/encode_usb ./P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
./ -vv -x -e P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
(now modify P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.json)
./ -vv -u -e P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
cp -f ./P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf ./dji/bin/encode_usb
tar -zcf P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz ./dji
rm -rf ./dji
openssl des3 -e -k Dji123456 -in P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz  -out P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800.bin
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Reactions: GUCCI40
No charge, the tool is published. Just use it.

For how - I didn't tried that yet. This is all I've got:

openssl des3 -d -k Dji123456 -in P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800.bin  -out P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
tar -zxf P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz
cp ./dji/bin/encode_usb ./P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
./ -vv -x -e P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
(now modify P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.json)
./ -vv -u -e P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf
cp -f ./P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800-encode_usb.elf ./dji/bin/encode_usb
tar -zcf P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz ./dji
rm -rf ./dji
openssl des3 -e -k Dji123456 -in P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800_decrypted.tar.gz  -out P3X_FW_V01.11.0030-split/P3X_FW_V01.11.0030_m0800.bin
TNK Quad, you decrypt the DJI update and after modifying and repackaging ?. Then how to enter the gimbal? via normal update or by serial or USB from Davinchi side? just a modified partition? Excuse me I do not understand that part well, thank you very much.
The last command encrypts the binary so it is in the same format as standard m0800 firmware. So I'd flash it by renaming to "PDM368Fw3.bin" and placing on sd-card.

After successful update, the file will be automatically renamed to "PDM368Fw3_updated.bin".

The same issue can probably happen on GL300a RC, but I don't know an easy way to flash that (I'd just connect to serial console and transfer the `encode_usb` binary via ymodem).
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Reactions: GUCCI40
The last command encrypts the binary so it is in the same format as standard m0800 firmware. So I'd flash it by renaming to "PDM368Fw3.bin" and placing on sd-card.

After successful update, the file will be automatically renamed to "PDM368Fw3_updated.bin".

The same issue can probably happen on GL300a RC, but I don't know an easy way to flash that (I'd just connect to serial console and transfer the `encode_usb` binary via ymodem).

Ok Quadd I have a board with the serial adapter and the usb to do the tests, you can send me the file that I should enter in the SD and the addresses where to place it in the nand I can do the tests, I do not understand the decoder, worse if I can enter files in locations, make updates via SD. If you have the file that you can use, I can insert Greetings!!
I think I've seen a link to package with premade firmwares, but can't find it anymore. Will ask and let you know.

EDIT: The link to pre-modded binaries have been added to the posts with original story.
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I read this late, and not save log from video.
Ok, now i remove SD card, power on drone, and copy the console.
Green led flash (red not flash), camera restart.
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 132000000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x10c2d81c 0x4aca1006 0x104a5006
System COLD boot.
Continue to booting up ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x1 0x789aedca
System WARM boot.
Continue to booting up ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x2 0x789aedc9
System WARM boot.
Continue to booting up ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x3 0x789aedc8
System WARM boot.
Continue to booting up ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x4 0x789aedcf
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmware
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x5 0x789aedce
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmware
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x6 0x789aedcd
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmware
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x7 0x789aedcc
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmwar
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x8 0x789aedc3
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmwar%
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x9 0x789aedc2
System WARM boot.
Detecting done ......

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] Start WDT of 20 seconds for boot up......

[00000000][CA9_0] [Version 1.0.11824], Oct 16 2015, 14:06:46

[00000000][CA9_0] [DJI] SD Updater Version [v01.25.5432] Build Sep 23 2016 17:03:19

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Stop WDT.

[00000329][CA9_0] [DJI] Firmware updating......

[00000329][CA9_0] Card doesn't exist 0!, can't update the firmware
Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xa 0x789aedc1
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xb 0x789aedc0
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xc 0x789aedc7
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xd 0x789aedc6
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xe 0x789aedc5
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0xf 0x789aedc4
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x10 0x789aeddb
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x11 0x789aedda
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x12 0x789aedd9
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x13 0x789aedd8
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x14 0x789aeddf
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x15 0x789aedde
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x16 0x789aeddd
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x17 0x789aeddc
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x18 0x789aedd3
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

Cortex Boot-Up Success

Cortex freq: 504000000
ARM freq: 17600000
DDR freq: 396000000
Core freq: 216000000
iDSP freq: 264000000
AXI freq: 168000000
AHB freq: 108000000
APB freq: 54000000
UART freq: 1846153
SD0 freq: 24000000
SD1 freq: 24000000

Start WDT timer OK.
Magic: 0x87651234 0x19 0x789aedd2
System WARM boot.
Rolling Back done ......

the video vas finished (i'm very sorry for my bad english):
Hi, what program did you use for bootloader??? And where did you connect wires of your FTDI? Thanks
I want to ask for help with repairing a P3 advanced gimball motherboard! It should be flashed again, but unfortunately there is no flash file. Thanks in advance! Csaba
Is this supposed to flash DM36?


  • bga.png
    533.9 KB · Views: 363
Im trying to flash the DM365 in the GL300A usb board.
Can someone share the .img files ? i'm having difficulty to extract them from the firmware
Flash the nand was ok, now im getting this on boot.

DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
encrypt chip exist
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
DummyRead68013 0.000000kb
hi i have a detailed video please kindly help me if the card is connected to the computer and the putty does not respond at all?

[email protected]
whatsapp 905542278110
Did you followed the diagnosis graph in spoiler section here?

Your case is there after "nothing shown at all" arrow.
Did you tried the BOOTME mode?

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