dropping device

Mar 11, 2017
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I have seen a few of these dropping mechanism device things on Ebay. Would be really cool to drop your fishing line way out and reel in a big one. Also might be fun to drop stuff on friends land (small bag of paint balls) hee hee. Has anybody ever tried one of these things out? Any reviews or opinions?
In my opinion, it isn't really worth it. They are pricy and can weigh your drone down which can lead to overheating battery and short flight time. Had some experience with a mechanism for dropping. Seems fun but it isnt really that fun for me.
They are pricey ($150.00) But I could think of a few things that would be fun. A small netting of paintballs and a target would make for a fun competition.
I have a friend I would really like to drop paint balls on though. As you can see it is a recurring theme in this post!
Back in the day when our Phantoms had a more modular setup, Naza, receiver, ESC's, I switched out the receiver for a Spektrum 6ch. I tried retracts and also rigged up a simple servo release mech, it was simplicity itself and the weight penalty was minimal. I dropped all sorts of stuff from that bird hahahah I remember swiping my friends baseball hat and taking it up like 300ft before releasing it. After the wind took it he had to cross two corn fields to get it back.
Thats what I'm talking about. The units i see on ebay dont look heavy at all. Pilot to bombardier, look out below.
Seems like you could rig up a solenoid to be triggered by the lights. Turn on the lights in the settings while your flying and that trigger the solenoid instead of a remote that doesn't have near the range of the quad. Would take a little doing but would be an easy thing to accomplish.
There's a few threads on under arm lights used as a triggering signal here if you search.
These however use photo resistors or photodiodes to sense the illumination as the under arm LED drive circuits themselves cannot drive an additional load.

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