Drone in the drink

Feb 17, 2017
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Decided to try to fly my P3A off my sailboat. Wind was maybe 8 knots. Set it on the biggest open area on the boat I had. Take off, wind gust, blows the drone into the mast, bounces on the deck, bounces overboard. In about 2 seconds it had disappeared from view in 25' of ocean water.
I set my P3P on a flat rock at the beach, the two revs that the motors do when you start them up happened at the same time a small gust of wind went by. It was just enough to give it enough lift to topple off of the rock. Fortunately it landed on smaller rocks and not in the sand. 3 broken props.
I feel you're pain - lost mine while flying over a canal. Never managed to get it back.
Oh No ! Not another in the water ....

Seems we really do need to start a Phantom Swimming Club !

I know it sounds terrible .... but losing the Phantom and not being able to retrieve out of seawater is in itself a saviour. There is no way a Seawater drenched electronics will ever be good again ... corrosion starts instant oxygen gets at it ... and battery will have fried the systems as well.
Not getting it back saves you the heartache of looking at it and not being able to fix it ... I know - mine sits there exactly in that state. I really wish it had sunk away never to be seen again.

You really have my sympathy.


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