Curious issue with DroneDeploy

Jan 27, 2016
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I have a curious issue with DroneDeploy. Created my account using my MacBook. No problems, was able to upload photos and generate my maps just fine. Later, I tried logging in using my iPad and keep getting the "wrong user name or password" message. So I finally recreated my account using the iPad using the same contact info, email and password. But when I logged in on the iPad, none of my maps created in the MacBook account were there. Even more curious, I tried logging using a kindle and got in just fine, but apparently to the account created on the iPad - no maps! Anyone else had this problem? Were you able to 'fix' it. I posted the question on the DD forum too, but no feedback yet.
Seem that I may have found the problem. I apparently entered my email incorrectly when I set up the original account. Haven't found a way to correct it. So, logged in under the new and correct email, uploaded my pics again and am now waiting for those to process to see if they can be seen on multiple devices.
Yep I was thinking on the same lines as one can't create account two times with the same credentials.
DroneDeploy is full of glitches. When it works perfectly, I love it. It's a shame they don't have the kinks worked out by now because it's such a user friendly experience.
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Got my glitches worked out and really like features like being able to view elevation profiles. Just too expensive for me right now. Not enough business to justify the monthly fee when I can do most, if not all that I need to with the pay as you go Maps Made Easy approach.
I have been struggling with 2 different softwares dropping my images from the stitch super frustrating. All they tell me is that there not enough overlap or there are too many trees, I fell like these are BS answers if those were problems then they should give you the guidelines upfront of what you need to shoot at so as to get a complete stitch. Anyone have any other software that can handle over 5000 images and gives you a good stitch? How can these companies charge so much and give you incomplete work.

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