correct question to smaller airports when asking if OK to fly nearby?

Jan 7, 2017
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P4P+ always BeginMode never over 100ft;
just quick up to take photos, then down & land;
driving East Coast US with drone first time;
just called smallish county airport in North FL
as test, was told to call tower #, told tower
the above facts, asked how far I should be
from airport, answer: "I think its about 4 miles"
I asked how about (town name) which is on
beach & was told "you should be OK".
According to Google Map, I would only be
3.5mi from nearest edge of this county airport...

I am registered, non-commercial.
I know 5 mile rule, line of sight, etc etc.
Does a call with this kind of response
qualify as permission to fly closer than
5 miles??? I surmise tower person does
not know specifics of FAA drone rules.
To clarify, am not trying to "test" rules,
it just happens that interesting photo
opps are within 5 miles & tower seemed
to OK it & I might run into this kind of
response over & over when asking if
OK to fly within 5 miles. Thanks in advance.

(NOTE: I will NEVER fly within 5 miles
of big-major airports nor seek permission)
You're not asking for permission. You are "Notifying" them of your intent to fly, when and where. They can't (shouldn't) give you permission and they can't deny your flight unless it creates an UNSAFE condition for manned aircraft.

Be warned, if they say to not fly or "It's not a safe flight scenario" then don't do it.

Be safe and post LOTS of pictures :)
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Didn't know such flexibility to fly within 5 miles existed.
True for major airports, too?
Onus on droner to report within 5 miles...
Onus on airport-tower to declare "unsafe"...
Are there any general truths about when 100ft or less
will be unsafe, e.g., within 1 mile of airport...?
Is it ALWAYS the tower operator I need to contact?
Does airport mgr or other employee serve same role?
Hmmm, didn't you agree to this information when you registered as a hobbyist and got your registration #?

Suggest you Google FAA Part 101 guidelines.
Flying Hobby, its the same for all airports except for Class B. That takes some special prior approval. Nothing about altitude, etc. Just the 5 mile rule. You always contact the airport operator and the tower (if there is one). If you call the airport orris or FBO, you can pretty much consider that you have contacted them if anyone answers.

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