Jul 21, 2017
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East Hampton Connecticut
Hey people. I've been taking note of an anomaly that happens periodically. When reviewing my footage I've noticed the gimbal will suddenly and wildly swing to the left to the point that you see the landing strut then corrects itself. this will only happen a couple of times during flight and always corrects itself, Now I am a noob only having had my drone for two months. can anyone tell me the cause of this. If its a malfunction in the gimbal or just caused by a gust of wind,
We could use a little more info before making any long-distance assessment of the problem.

On power-up of the drone, does the gimbal do it's little herkey-jerkey dance like it did when the drone was new? If it is different - or if you THINK it is different - there could be a problem with the gimbal circuitry.

Are you using DJI Go? If you are, have you done a gimbal calibration? (Ifind I have to do that after every drone power-up - otherwise the camera stays tilted AND does not point straight ahead. After the calibration is done things straighten out.)

Have you had ANY less-than-stellar landings wherein the 'copter bounced significantly - or even tipped over? These can easily mess up the gimbal.

Do you insure that the camera stabilizer and lens cap are on the bird when moving it or transporting it in a vehicle? Failure to have those in place subjects the gimbal to some pretty severe jolts - again a source of damage.

Does the gimbal make noises that it didn't make prior to having this problem? If so, what do they sound like?

Is your 'copter still under warranty? If it is, you might consider having to send it to DJI for repairs / replacement. Just be advised that (1) they are s - l - o - w as molasses moving uphill on a cold winter morning and you will be without your bird for several weeks, and (2) they MAY download your flight data and then try to tell you it is "operator" error if they find the 'copter has had any mishaps along the way. And one more thing - they won't "repair" your gibmal - they will replace it with a new one - and charge you full price for the latter PLUS their labor cost. You could end up paying more to get this problem remedied than it would cost you to buy a new (or refurbished) one (if yours is a P3S).
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Let me see if u can answer all these questions. Yes I use DJI go, on my 2nd flight I did in fact flip it over but only a foot off the ground and it worked fine after this. Yes I secure the gimbal during transport. Yes it does its herky jerkey during its start up cycle. And no I don't calibrate the gimbal on every start up, but then again the camera is always level on start up. Don't get me wrong I can live with this issue as long as it doesn't happen during one of my epic shots I might be trying to accomplish. I can put together a small video showing what happens and post a YouTube link here. But honestly I think I can live with it. But if it had to be repaired I would most likely do the work myslef. I'm kind of a hands on guy with things like this
"Ifind I have to do that after every drone power-up" That shouldn't be, something is wrong.


I get the left leg in view on Litchi missions sometimes on really tight turns, I have seen others ask about this.

Your camera is centered and level?

Have you looked into the loose Grub Screw?

Check out this thread, my problem seem to come back this weekend, I will be looking at it again.
why does my gimble do this

"Ifind I have to do that after every drone power-up" That shouldn't be, something is wrong.


I get the left leg in view on Litchi missions sometimes on really tight turns, I have seen others ask about this.

Your camera is centered and level?

Have you looked into the loose Grub Screw?

Check out this thread, my problem seem to come back this weekend, I will be looking at it again.
why does my gimble do this

Here is a link to a video I made of the issues i'm having. In this video you will see four anomalies as they will notice I'm not hot dogging it so i'm not sure whats up. let me know what you think either reply here or comment on the video. Thanks!
Hum, video shows a lot, I haven't been fighting anything that bad.

"Don't get me wrong I can live with this issue as long as it doesn't happen during one of my epic shots"

I don't think you can live with that issue. :eek:;)

Well, I ran a flight last night, just looked at the video today, it was a mission, and shakes or trimmers only when its going straight ahead. :rolleyes:


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