automate a retractable landing gear

I tried the missing pulse code that you referenced but it is not complete and I am not a programmer so I don't know what to look for. I need something I can copy and paste into a sketch. That makes sense about waiting a second. Look, wait a sec and look again and compare the 2 variables. I guess I'll be learning a new language. haha
The code you referenced is way over my head. Think I could do this with pauses and variables?
I think I finally got it. Too late to video today, I'll try tomorrow.
I am using one sensor looking down and slightly aft. I have it set to 24", looking 8 times in 2 seconds.
24" is a little close but it seems to work this way. I don't know if that had something to do with the false triggers or not, but it is working the way it is and I am leaving it. I launch, and the gear goes up. I hover at about 10-12 feet and I get random triggers. I ascend to 50 feet, then 100, and the false triggers stop and the gear stays up. When I descend the quad has to pass 24" then the 8 count in 2 seconds and by that time it is very close to the ground. I have to land very slowly but I probably should be anyway. :)
I'll test it more tomorrow but I think I finally got it.
excellent, i want :)
well I consider my experiment both a success and a failure.
I got it to work reliably with zero false triggers looking for 2 feet 8 times in 2 seconds
2 feet seems to be the key, I tried all kinds of distances there.
and there is a big but here, 2 of them,
1. This stuff decreased my flight time by about 25%
2. I lose video at about 100 to 150 feet out.
I don't know anything about shielding and I don't even want to try with my flight time down like that. That is a deal breaker all by itself.
I think it eats the battery because the servos have to hold the gear up, fighting the props. If I could design some kind of latch, where it would mechanically hold itself up with no power, then again at the bottom. But I just don't have that kind of time, I'm done for a while. This project took way too much of my time.
So it's all coming back off and I am going back to stock.It was fun while it lasted.
It was a learning experience and now I know a little something about Arduinos. Think I'll make a rain sensor so my sprinklers don't turn on if it's raining. Stupid stuff like that.
thanks again everyone
Can you please share the code please. Would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance
I believe this was my final edit.
I had to tweak the servo numbers to get the legs to look level when up and almost locked when down.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo servoLeft;
Servo servoRight;
#define echoPin 2
#define trigPin 3
#define MAX_DISTANCE 200
const int MATCH_COUNT = 8; // # of matches for distance we need in a row
int matches = 0; // running count of matches
const long READ_INTERVAL = 250; // how often to take a reading
long nextReading; // time for next reading

void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
nextReading = millis(); // read right away

void loop() {
long duration, distance;
// time for a reading?
if ( millis() >= nextReading )
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = (duration / 2) / 74; // 74=inches 29=cm

if (distance < 24) { // 160cm=5' 62cm=2' 60"=5' 24"=2'
matches++; // increment count
else {
matches = 0; // start over
distance = MAX_DISTANCE;
nextReading = millis() + READ_INTERVAL; // set time for next read
// if we got MATCH_COUNT in a row
if ( matches >= MATCH_COUNT )
servoLeft.write(75); //LANDING
else {
servoLeft.write(170); //FLYING

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