A very Important read..whats happen to one or more Drone owners is some scary stuff ! how would you react ?

Well this whole scenario is just down right nasty, especially for the owner of such an expensive dji product. yep sue him..he does not own the sky above his property!
Thanks for posting, just another introspective into the divisions in our society. The issue of the assault in CO, is alarming to me and the fact the the proper authorities did nothing. I try to always fly with a 2nd person, as 2 is always better than 1, just like in my cycling days on the road. Folks tend to give more ground with a witness.

It's also tragic to see that the FAA is now in the process of re-writing the flight rules for 336 (due to the recent repeal) but the same agency will not step up and get involved with incidents like this one.

It's now "Modern Gun" season in my state, thus I will stay grounded for a while as no doubt after a long day with no action there are plenty of folks in the woods that might consider a shot or two and a stationary drone would be a fairly easy target for a long gun.

Paul C
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Who Is Going to Die First? - Drone U™

A Mod asked me to post this after i sent it to him and asked if it was a good article !

I'm sorry fellow pilots. Just because you have the right to be annoying doesn't mean you should. We all know very well, people are annoyed by the sound and concerned about the photos we can take. if you fly over someone's house or land, you're violating their privacy, no matter what the law says. Unfortunately, in today's society common sense and common courtesy aren't common anymore. People don't shoot at drones for sport. They shoot because they're [Edited by Moderator]. All we'll get by pushing the envelope is more laws restricting our hobby.
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I'm sorry fellow pilots. Just because you have the right to be annoying doesn't mean you should. We all know very well, people are annoyed by the sound and concerned about the photos we can take. if you fly over someone's house or land, you're violating their privacy, no matter what the law says. Unfortunately, in today's society common sense and common courtesy aren't common anymore. People don't shoot at drones for sport. They shoot because they're [Edited by Moderator]. All we'll get by pushing the envelope is more laws restricting our hobby.

The difference is that the sUAS pilot did not commit a crime and the homeowner did.
The difference is that the sUAS pilot did not commit a crime and the homeowner did.

You are simply asking for more laws with this comment. Laws against flying over someone's land, or house, or family when at the beach. Instead, I am suggesting that, if we set the example, they wont have to make a law. Already lots of communities are enacting such laws. Do you really want more?
Good article which brings up lots of good points.
The FAA required us to study for and pass an exam and made a big deal over our being part of the air space. We jump through the hops and can face stiff penalties if we break the rules they laid down for us. Yet, when we are harassed, when our aircraft are threatened or destroyed, where is the enforcement? How come these incidents area allowed to occur?
As for the question of whether I am armed when I fly, the answer is heck yes. I have had a CHP since 1994 and am a founding member of a statewide gun rights group. I carry everywhere possible at all times.
You are simply asking for more laws with this comment. Laws against flying over someone's land, or house, or family when at the beach. Instead, I am suggesting that, if we set the example, they wont have to make a law. Already lots of communities are enacting such laws. Do you really want more?
I personally am not asking for more laws and I don't think anyone else here is. We have enough laws already. We are asking the FAA, DOJ, FBI, etc to enforce the laws already on the books and stop throwing us under the bus. We follow the rules, get the required certifications and not the dot gov agencies need to step up and do their job.
I personally am not asking for more laws and I don't think anyone else here is. We have enough laws already. We are asking the FAA, DOJ, FBI, etc to enforce the laws already on the books and stop throwing us under the bus. We follow the rules, get the required certifications and not the dot gov agencies need to step up and do their job.

So you believe that, because you get the certs, you have the right to fly over someone's property without asking?
So you believe that, because you get the certs, you have the right to fly over someone's property without asking?

We property owners (not airspace owners) do not own the airways and that's a good thing.

I do believe that we need to be moral and responsible sUAS operators and not linger/hover private property within reason. That's going to be a tough one regardelss which side you're standing on and odds are it will fall on the side against us simply because that will be the "easier" side to go against.

So if I'm flying for Search & Rescue (in an urban setting) do I need to make contact with each property owner that I will be flying over? If you happen to be related to the missing person how are you going to feel about me not looking for your loved one while we get permission from each and every homeowner.

What about when I'm shooting 10 different listings in one gated community trying to get images from all 8 compass points, and orbit video, and a Birds Eye (God View) from each listing. Do you have any idea how many permissions I would need to capture?
I personally believe the FAA and the DOJ don't want to prosecute hoping this hobby gets "out of hand" and they can outright ban them. Much like gun control, add more and more restrictions, knowing good and well it does nothing to make things better in hopes to ban them.

As for carrying, Nevada is an open carry state (but for how much longer I don't know with all the California transplant politicians and voters) and I have had my CCW since '92 and don't go into the desert without carrying whether flying or not. There are often people target shooting out there, even though it is not allowed, but I steer clear of them and they don't bother me. I just take precautions to protect my equipment and my self from nefarious elements in this loony world.
Drone Vloger Alan Yu had a story a couple of days ago on his vlog about a UAV operator who was assaulted after taking photos of an old mill in Colorado. Skip to the 4:40 mark to get to that report.
Two guys beat him up and robbed him. And this is the third time he was harassed or attacked while flying.
I personally believe the FAA and the DOJ don't want to prosecute hoping this hobby gets "out of hand" and they can outright ban them. Much like gun control, add more and more restrictions, knowing good and well it does nothing to make things better in hopes to ban them.

As for carrying, Nevada is an open carry state (but for how much longer I don't know with all the California transplant politicians and voters) and I have had my CCW since '92 and don't go into the desert without carrying whether flying or not. There are often people target shooting out there, even though it is not allowed, but I steer clear of them and they don't bother me. I just take precautions to protect my equipment and my self from nefarious elements in this loony world.

I see it a little differently, but respect your skepticism. I think the issue boils down to two things -- public safety, and public nuisance. The FAA is worried about the first, and the DOJ about the second. As you know, we've seen lots of owners bragging about altitudes they've reached or places they've flown illegally. The rules forbid it, but enforcement is next to impossible, without an advanced means of disabling the drone. Such means will probably become available someday. As for the nuisance, I stand by my previous comments. Don't be a nuisance...ask permission even if you think you don't need to.
Well, we don't agree on that, but I would offer a little advice to you. Stay out of 12 gauge range...:)
You can disagree all you want but you are still wrong as the laws state otherwise, and unless they are changed I will fly wherever it is legally permissible. If someone shoots down my aircraft I will bother the FBI and FAA until they do their jobs. I for one am not testing,paying,and being regulated to death without the laws being enforced on both sides.
Maybe Canyon Mike will be the next to be shot down and then he will see this differently.
You can disagree all you want but you are still wrong as the laws state otherwise, and unless they are changed I will fly wherever it is legally permissible. If someone shoots down my aircraft I will bother the FBI and FAA until they do their jobs. I for one am not testing,paying,and being regulated to death without the laws being enforced on both sides.
Maybe Canyon Mike will be the next to be shot down and then he will see this differently.

Next time you want to fly over someone's property, offer a few photos of it to him. Let him look at your screen to see what you're seeing. I bet he puts the 12 gauge back in the pickup.

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