5 SECOND video lag with DJI RE Goggles and P4 Pro!?!?

Jan 5, 2016
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New Orleans Louisiana area
I just got a set of these expensive goggles so I don't have to rig phones and reading glasses in modified VR viewers, etc. My first flight I got image on the ground but it never changed when I flew. It just kept the image from the ground while I was flying. I landed again and reset everything, then flew again and the image did work but the lag time was honestly about 5 seconds. So bad that I would turn the aircraft, then count to 5 before the image moved in the Goggles. Is there a step I forgot? I upgraded firmware on the bird, remote and goggles before even trying to fly.
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I just got a set of these expensive goggles so I don't have to rig phones and reading glasses in modified VR viewers, etc. My first flight I got image on the ground but it never changed when I flew. It just kept the image from the ground while I was flying. I landed again and reset everything, then flew again and the image did work but the lag time was honestly about 5 seconds. So bad that I would turn the aircraft, then count to 5 before the image moved in the Goggles. Is there a step I forgot? I upgraded firmware on the bird, remote and goggles before even trying to fly.
That first flight you described sounds like your image just plain froze. The lag time on the second flight sounds like too much data. I don't know these goggles, but you might try a lower setting on the video feed from the Phantom.
I agree the first time the image just froze. Funny thing is that the other data on the screen seemed to be accurate. P.S. I was connected directly to the goggles. I don't have an HDMI output on my controller so I will be plugging these directly into the controller. One of the things I thought would be a positive is no more Samsung phone crashing, phone pixilation, someone calling me mid flight, etc. Something is definitely wrong. I tried the 3 settings on the goggles and didn't really see a difference. One thing to note is that is a real pain to navigate with the goggles for me. I guess you get used to it eventually.
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I agree the first time the image just froze. Funny thing is that the other data on the screen seemed to be accurate. P.S. I was connected directly to the goggles. I don't have an HDMI output on my controller so I will be plugging these directly into the controller. One of the things I thought would be a positive is no more Samsung phone crashing, phone pixilation, someone calling me mid flight, etc. Something is definitely wrong. I tried the 3 settings on the goggles and didn't really see a difference. One thing to note is that is a real pain to navigate with the goggles for me. I guess you get used to it eventually.
When you say connected directly, do you mean HDMI out from your phone? I have FatSharks and they are connected via HDMI directly to my tablet. Some lag but I have yet to try and adjust the settings for the video feed.
No, I am connecting directly from the remote controller to my goggles via USB. I don't have a HDMI output on my controller. I want to use this instead of my phone.
No, I am connecting directly from the remote controller to my goggles via USB. I don't have a HDMI output on my controller. I want to use this instead of my phone.
OK, got it. Your set-up should work. HDMI is optional and primarily intended for use by an observer. This sounds like a call or chat with DJI.
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Yeah, the response I got from DJI was "Look at this YouTube video of how to connect to Mavic" (I have a P4P, NOT Mavic) and another video link of the guy showing the unboxing and talking about the white goggles. I am going to try again and see if it was a fluke or just interference. Otherwise these may be going back to Amazon.
Yeah, the response I got from DJI was "Look at this YouTube video of how to connect to Mavic" (I have a P4P, NOT Mavic) and another video link of the guy showing the unboxing and talking about the white goggles. I am going to try again and see if it was a fluke or just interference. Otherwise these may be going back to Amazon.
Ya, something isn't right. I wonder if your cable is bad. I would think a bad cable would give you zero video, though. Not just lag.

I don't know if this will apply, but try opening the app and then adjust the video feed. You can lighten up the bit rate so that it's not as hi-rez. Then disconnect the phone and see if the setting sticks by testing out the goggles again. I'm thinking the video rate lives in the AC settings and not the app. One way to find out is to power up the controller and app (not the drone) and see if the settings are available to adjust. If not, then you know the setting lives in the drone similar to the other camera settings.
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That is a good idea. I will try that and let you know. I didn't have a chance to get off work early enough tonight to try and fly again.
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I tried again and now everything seems fine. I accidentally used another white cable instead of the one that came with the goggles so maybe that was it. I used the OEM cable and it works fine now..... BUT

I noticed is that I am stuck in “beginner mode” whenever I use the goggles, unless I start with my phone, then switch over to the goggles after. The main reason I wanted DJI goggles vs. some cheap Android VR device is so I wouldn’t need my phone or have to mess around with anything. I had a “MagicSee M1” all–in-one VR device that would run the DJI GO4 app just like a phone. I didn’t need to use my phone at all, just plug that in, start the app and fly. Is there a way to not use my phone every time I want to fly with these DJI goggles? If not I may have to return them since this is an aggravation I was trying to avoid by buying the genuine DJI product vs. some cheap knockoff.
I tried again and now everything seems fine. I accidentally used another white cable instead of the one that came with the goggles so maybe that was it. I used the OEM cable and it works fine now..... BUT

I noticed is that I am stuck in “beginner mode” whenever I use the goggles, unless I start with my phone, then switch over to the goggles after. The main reason I wanted DJI goggles vs. some cheap Android VR device is so I wouldn’t need my phone or have to mess around with anything. I had a “MagicSee M1” all–in-one VR device that would run the DJI GO4 app just like a phone. I didn’t need to use my phone at all, just plug that in, start the app and fly. Is there a way to not use my phone every time I want to fly with these DJI goggles? If not I may have to return them since this is an aggravation I was trying to avoid by buying the genuine DJI product vs. some cheap knockoff.
Wow, I never considered the limitations of flying without the app. I use Fatsharks connected to my tablet. I see what the tablet sees. The tablet is there if I need it.

I have no way of connecting my Fatsharks via USB, so I doubt I can be of much help. There may be a setting in the app that allows both?
These are made to work directly with the remote controller. Plus I don't have a tablet with HDMI out or the extra HDMI out board on my controller. It seems the trick to use goggles is I have to start with a phone or a tablet then take the cable out of the mobile device and plug it into the goggles otherwise it leaves me in beginner mode. I do have to admit the head tracking on the gimbal was pretty awesome. I had it hovering about a hundred feet off the ground and moved my head up down and back and forth and the cameras followed my head movements incredibly well. I tried flying by head-tracking but the Drone just kept turning in One Direction around and around so maybe I needed to calibrate first or something.
These are made to work directly with the remote controller. Plus I don't have a tablet with HDMI out or the extra HDMI out board on my controller. It seems the trick to use goggles is I have to start with a phone or a tablet then take the cable out of the mobile device and plug it into the goggles otherwise it leaves me in beginner mode. I do have to admit the head tracking on the gimbal was pretty awesome. I had it hovering about a hundred feet off the ground and moved my head up down and back and forth and the cameras followed my head movements incredibly well. I tried flying by head-tracking but the Drone just kept turning in One Direction around and around so maybe I needed to calibrate first or something.
Sounds like a minor inconvenience in return for a great experience. I've only tried my goggles a few times. Having a hard time getting used to them. Losing the situational awareness leaves me weak in the knees, although I admit my confidence is growing with every flight. I just know I'm going to need them when flying in bright sunlight and I need to frame up a shot or need to have a better look at my screen.
I definitely want them for a great FPV experience. I just hate the fact that they are more troublesome to use than a cheap VR all in one I just sold off called MagicSee M1. Besides head tracking they were actually better in some ways than the goggles. The thing that I could not resolve with those was the total lack of focus or IPD adjustment.

At least the DJI ones have IPD adjust plus I am going to get the diopter lenses from DJI as soon as I figure out which ones I should use. I tried 3x reading glasses and it looked pretty good. They say go one size larger so I guess 4x would work for me. I want to make sure I get the right ones the first time.
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I use the googles on my mavic and to be honest they are designed specifically for the mavic as I can run both the tablet and googles which is handy for take off and landing. I have not tried them on my P4A yet but will soon and see how the perform. I have not heard of any real complaints except you are limited to just the one device if you don't have hdmi.
I definitely want them for a great FPV experience. I just hate the fact that they are more troublesome to use than a cheap VR all in one I just sold off called MagicSee M1. Besides head tracking they were actually better in some ways than the goggles. The thing that I could not resolve with those was the total lack of focus or IPD adjustment.

At least the DJI ones have IPD adjust plus I am going to get the diopter lenses from DJI as soon as I figure out which ones I should use. I tried 3x reading glasses and it looked pretty good. They say go one size larger so I guess 4x would work for me. I want to make sure I get the right ones the first time.

Anyone who wears glasses will need to correct the focus on these googles. One method is focus fixers which are about $60 with shipping or you can go to the hardware store or wally world and buy a set of 3.25x reading glasses for $3. I took mine apart and mounted them in the googles so I can fly with or without my glasses and they are 100% in focus.
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I had the same problem with my goggles and found that they needed a firmware update. That fixed everything. Phantom 4 + DJI goggles
GaryDierk Have you had good success with the goggles yet? I find that they may be too much of a pain for me.

1) I have to start with a phone, then switch the cable to the goggles or I am stuck in beginner mode. THAT REALLY BUGS ME, and there is no cure.
2) There is a BIG time video delay when I was about 7,000' out. Way more than with my phone. I am not sure why since that should be a factor of signal between bird and remote, not the goggles but I have NEVER had a 2 second delay with a phone or tablet, just goggles.
3) The goggle video sometimes just freezes, the telemetry is all there, but video is like a 1/2 second loop, I could see a car on the street that was driving move back and forth a tiny bit. The ONLY way to get video back is to totally power down the goggles, then power them back on. Meanwhile I am flying blind.

I actually had a nifty little all-in-one VR viewer with 2K resolution that had NO problems with DJI GO4. It was just like a phone but with 2 screens of full view (not like litchis crippled view) There was no lag, it stayed connected, etc. I only sold the VR viewer because the optics were crap. The lenses made everything not in the center blurry and they had no IPD or focus adjustments. I can fix focus with glasses but IPD is a big deal.

I will try to update again but I think these may only be good as second screens using HDMI module. They really don't work well with my Phantom 4 Pro. If I get an HDMI module or a tablet with HDMI out, then I don't really need crazy expensive glasses from DJI right.

Any suggestions on something I may not have thought of that make these less compatible and dependable than a cheap Chinese VR viewer from Alibaba?
I just got a set of the Goggles in and am having the same results with my P4P! If I can’t use these at full resolution then I’ll send them back because I’m not going to spend this kind of money for lack-luster use.

You’ve mentioned several times that your controller doesn’t have HDMI, but it does. Everyone that I’ve talked to says to use an HDMI to Mini/Micro adapter into the RC. Unless they’ve totally misunderstood what I was asking about, but I’ve seen it described somewhere else.

The other problem for me is the need of “Readers” and I’ll order a set of the DJI lenses if I can get the rest sorted out soon.

Let me know how yours comes out.

GaryDierk Have you had good success with the goggles yet? I find that they may be too much of a pain for me.

1) I have to start with a phone, then switch the cable to the goggles or I am stuck in beginner mode. THAT REALLY BUGS ME, and there is no cure.
2) There is a BIG time video delay when I was about 7,000' out. Way more than with my phone. I am not sure why since that should be a factor of signal between bird and remote, not the goggles but I have NEVER had a 2 second delay with a phone or tablet, just goggles.
3) The goggle video sometimes just freezes, the telemetry is all there, but video is like a 1/2 second loop, I could see a car on the street that was driving move back and forth a tiny bit. The ONLY way to get video back is to totally power down the goggles, then power them back on. Meanwhile I am flying blind.

I actually had a nifty little all-in-one VR viewer with 2K resolution that had NO problems with DJI GO4. It was just like a phone but with 2 screens of full view (not like litchis crippled view) There was no lag, it stayed connected, etc. I only sold the VR viewer because the optics were crap. The lenses made everything not in the center blurry and they had no IPD or focus adjustments. I can fix focus with glasses but IPD is a big deal.

I will try to update again but I think these may only be good as second screens using HDMI module. They really don't work well with my Phantom 4 Pro. If I get an HDMI module or a tablet with HDMI out, then I don't really need crazy expensive glasses from DJI right.

Any suggestions on something I may not have thought of that make these less compatible and dependable than a cheap Chinese VR viewer from Alibaba?

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