Recent content by JHammy123

  1. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    I think he is saying the battery was actually at ~15% battery based on my flight time. The battery thought it was at 63%?
  2. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    Im on a old firmware, will they still replace it?
  3. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    Im still on a very old phantom version. Ive never updated it and I bought it about 6 months ago.
  4. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    No, I know where it landed though. Its in about 7 foot of salt water. I have a buddy that scuba dives, might have him come over and look for it. What is it worth?
  5. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    So was my voltage good when I took off? Im wondering if the battery just dropped to 3v then dropped.
  6. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    Im very certain i saw 4 bars. I have many batteries i would have used a different one if it was at 3. What was my voltage all the way up to the crash?
  7. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    I checked the battery before i put it in the phantom by pressing the button, said full bars. I had just fully charged it recently. Assumed it was at 95% as it normally is when I take off. Dont my flight logs say?
  8. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    What is my next step? Suffer with my loss? Did my flight logs say i had good voltage up until the 3v no signal?
  9. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    That is when I saw no signal. I was gaining altitude, looking around. I saw the landing gear in the bottom left of the screen and boom no signal. I can see the archived recording on my ipad. The recording stopped when i saw no signal.
  10. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    No fully charged. It was maybe at 95% by the time i took off. But the props were still spinning when it hit the water. I could hear it buzzing. Thank you for your help.
  11. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    Here is my flight logs. For some reason there is 2, 4 min apart. Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2015-12-19_[10-30-36].txt Dropbox - DJIFlightRecord_2015-12-27_[08-41-01].txt
  12. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    Why would a signal loss result in it plummeting out of the sky? Ive lost signal several times and it just hovers.
  13. J

    Phantom 3P falls out of sky

    I was flying my phantom on vacation. I was 300 feet up about 100 feet out. No big deal but i lost signal instantly. It didn't get weak like it normally does when your too far away. It just cut out. Moved my controller to try to get signal. I hear it buzzing out of the sky and into the water...
  14. J

    Recently Painted a Phantom 3P. Thoughts?

    My buddy has a Vape. Thats what the "smoke" came from.
  15. J

    Brother crashed

    Everything works except the camera. The camera powers on and spins like it normally does but then I points way left or right. No Control over up and down and after about 30 seconds it gives up and moves freely. Any advice to fixing it would be greatly appreciated. Anyway to the good part...