Recent content by donandann

  1. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I test flew my P3S with Android 5.1 and it seemed to solve all my problems. Since the Android 6 issue appears to be a Samsung problem, I will move on to updating the Nexus 7 as far as it will go. Thanks everyone for all your help.
  2. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    Thanks, I have reached 5.1 and still going. You recommend not going to 6?
  3. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    Wow, I did not notice that the Android version was so old. I did an update when I got the tablet, but apparently it is only updating one step at a time. I just did another update and it just went to 4.4.4. I will keep updating until it won't do it anymore. Thanks...yet another step to success. :D
  4. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I will try loading on the ground, but I think when I have tried it in the past, the P3 just tipped over. Much to try this afternoon.
  5. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I have tried building the mission in Litchi and then loading it, but with the same results.
  6. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't see anything in the other thread. Most suggest that the mission be started while hovering. I will check for what is running in the background, but everything else seems to happen pretty promptly. It is probably something stupid I am doing that no one ever...
  7. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I am using Litchi ver,3.10.10 for Android on a Nexus 7 running Android ver. 4.4.3 and I am easily within 20 meters of the first waypoint.
  8. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I don't worry about it when I load the tablet, but, as I said, it is about 20 feet up and 20 feet away when I push the start button. Forgot to mention, the P3 is in the F_GPS mode when I push the start button.
  9. donandann

    How long to load mission after "Start"

    I have looked for this and can not find an answer. Sorry if I missed it previously posted. I am new to Phantom and Litchi, but enjoying it. I am using a Phantom 3 Standard and a Nexus 7 tablet. I have been doing mission planning on the Litchi Hub and saving them to the cloud. I have had no...