What have you named your drone?

Mar 29, 2016
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Badin Lake, N Carolina
I have a habit of naming the things that are important to me. Pets of course, my car, birds and squirrels that live in my backyard - you get the point. My wife quickly picked up the habit and now is our official 'namer ' of the family. I've been bugging her for weeks to name my P3S, "I'm thinking," she says. She knows my baby is a female because I keep calling her a 'she'. My wife is still getting accustomed to having a drone in the family. She thought I was crazy at first (purchased 5 weeks ago). Craziness turned to puzzlement, and now my wife is simply mildly amused. And today - while we were returning from flying (she is often a spotter), she christened my baby.

"Geniveve. We'll call her Genny."

Genny is now officially part of the family. What is the name of your drone?
I only name things that will come to me when called, with the exception of some idiot drivers I've named but can't print here.

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I will Christen mine "Jeremy" after Jeremy Clarkson, as my bird delivers videos with "punch". Lol

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Maxis after the drone in Black ops 2 zombie map, Origins ...

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Airship 800U Named for Penn State Track and Field who are proficient in the 800M lately. Hope to get some aerial shots of our Reunion in May.
Wife named her "Red"on account of get red stickers and fiesty attitude
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Mine are always "bird " names ... Litebird, blackbird, prettybird, babybird, angrybird,dirtybird, captain long bird! The list goes on. Funny thing is, I got a new P3A once, after just having the famous power failure from the 1.5 FW, and decided to name this one "Lucky bird" I had nothing but problems with that thing from day one,connection issues,signal drops, compass issues.
Ended up sending it back luckily. Never name your bird lucky bird
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How about Bird Lucky?

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