Just a little rant about amazon

Oct 8, 2019
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Wallingford, CT. USA
It wasnt on here, but i wanted to post a small fact that sometime what we are chastised in saying comes to pass.

about a year ago, on a facebook drone page, I was voicing my untrust of the amazon announced drone delivery service.
I mentioned amazon was going to get away with everything the standard commercial drone pilot could not do, like flying over moving vehicles, people, and BVLOS.
I also mentioned amazon was so large and powerful that if anything happened, they would basically tell the FAA to shut up and mind its own business.
The only reason i even brought up the point was to show, whats bad for one, is not bad for all.

I felt if one company could do all of the things a 107 holder cannot do, why not?

does amazon affect my ability to fly my quad the way the FAA has deemed is legal?

But, I would love to fly over people.
I would love to fly over a road without people making up rules as they go along as to what i am allowed to do.
I recently was told to land, because college campus police told me I was flying over an open road during a job to photograph a building by the buildings' owner (even though All photos and videos I took and had to show to the police that showed up soon after) were angled down, and showed a completely empty road and side walks void of any vehicles or people. which was the only time i brought the P4P out from over a building roof.

and of course, I would NEVER want to put another person at risk, because "i want my way, or throw a tantrum".

Well, i caught holy (Mod Removed Language) for even bringing it up.
I was told amazon had unparalleled safety records, and i should just shut up, mind my business, and deal with the worthiness of amazon being able to do what the standard 107 holder cannot.

Im just going to put this right here.
I guess I was right.

What's okay for thee is not for me.

I would love to see the conversation this brings up.

just watch the video.

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Reminds me of the Florida fertilizer wars. Coastal counties can’t fertilize in summer months but gov in their infinite wisdom emptied the abandoned Piney Point phosphate pond (billion gal) by spraying it (fertilizer) in the Gulf of Mexico. Claimed “the solution to pollution is delusion”. Result..the worst Red Tide in the history of man. All sealife died as far as 75 mi offshore. Took 6 years to somewhat recover after billions in lost income for us in the eastern gulf. Being a commercial fisherman, I joined the lawsuits, eventually getting a 25K settlement. I lost over 300K in income during that time. Can’t fight stupid. They tried it again recently, but public outrage stopped em. 😎
Don’t think drone delivery is anywhere close to happening in the cities..but, can’t fight stupid
you know. I dont have anything about amazon. I buy a lot of stuff from them for my phantoms. I just have an issue with "you cant do it, but I can. because I'm big and youre not. you break a law, and will never recover. I totally ignore laws and am untouchable". Thats all.
I hate to break it to you, but it's been like that for as long as ...well,...ever. For example, do you see folks snubbing their nose at congressional supenas a lot lately?? You try it and see what happens. Golden rules.
I hate to break it to you, but it's been like that for as long as ...well,...ever. For example, do you see folks snubbing their nose at congressional supenas a lot lately?? You try it and see what happens. Golden rules.
youre right. it has been happening forever.
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