Connect phantom 1 to software for calibration.

You can try the MacBook I never have make sure your satellite your compass aside your drone is plugged into the board because that won't let him take off neither and are you sure all your connections are plugged in the right spots in inside your drone

I should have asked first will it connect to satellites

I did satellite and compass but it just won't start up, 2 greens blinking light.
It could be a bad throttle stick on your remote not letting it get the command to the Drone to take off could be a remote
I tried to down load naza software to macbook but dji website won't lets me.
That's because the drivers on your laptop that's why you probably have to get Windows 98 because that's when they made the Phantom one back in the day the reason why it won't connect on any other laptop that's my theory I could be wrong though
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That's because the drivers on your laptop that's why you probably have to get Windows 98 because that's when they made the Phantom one back in the day the reason why it won't connect on any other laptop that's my theory I could be wrong though
No your right I built a dji f450 flamewheel in January and used the same naza that's in the 1.1.1 and had to buy a used lap top with windows 98 installed on it check that's were I got mine even craigslist might have one to let us know and good luck.
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